
Friday, January 7, 2011

Mango Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Mangga Muda)

 I went to a friend's house last weekend in early morning & she asked me to try her fried rice. It was a simple fried rice but quite special because she added young mango slices in it. The fried rice was quite hot so it went well with the sour mango in it. I enjoyed it very much that I decided to make something similar for our dinner tonight.
Recipe by: Roz@HomeKreation
Serves: 5-6 Persons
5 cup Cooked Rice
10 or less/more Green Chili Padi* - see photo below 
2 Green Chilies*
1 Big Onion*
6 Garlic*
1 cm Belachan*
1 handful Ikan Bilis* (* pounded) 
3 Eggs
Longbeans - finely sliced 
1 Young Mango - thinly sliced 
4-5 tbsp Soy Sauce

1. Heat up some oil & stir fry pounded ingredients until fragrant.
Break-in eggs & stir until become scramble eggs.
Add in longbeans & stir fry until cooked.
Add in mango & stir fry for a minute.
Add in rice, soy sauce & salt.
Mix well & cooked until the rice is hot.

2. Serve with fried chicken & salad.

Recipe by: Roz@HomeKreation 
5 cwn Nasi
10 +/- Cili Padi Hijau* - spt gambar di atas
2 Cili Hijau*
1 biji Bwg Besar*
6 ulas Bwg Putih*
1 cm Belacan*
1 genggam Ikan Bilis* (* tumbuk) 
3 biji Telur
Kcg Panjangs - hiris
1 biji Mangga Muda - hiris nipis
4-5 sb Kicap

1. Panaskan minyak & goreng bhn2 yg di tumbuk.
Pecahkan telur & goreng sehingga masak.
Masukkan kcg pjg & goreng sehingga lembut sedikit.
Masukkan mangga & kacau selama 1 minit.
Masukkan nasi, kicap & garam.
Kacau sebati.

2. Hidangkan dgn ayam goreng & salad.


  1. salam along..malam malam cm merayap kat dapur along ni..wah sedap ni.Cm pernah masak nasi goreng bubuh mangga muda..sedap tapi mesti pedas baru ngam...

  2. sedapnyer... nasi goreng letak manga muda... terliur aje tengok...belum lagi rasa...

  3. singgah sekejap dapur along...dh tgh mlm pn tgk nasi grg mangga pun leh teliur..dh perempuan tu perampuan juga kan! sape x suka asam...! ;)

  4. Tangy fried rice looks soo delicious..

  5. sedapnye along...nak2 tang mangga tuh...mst rase2 masam2 sikit bila gigit mangga tu....

  6. salam along..interesting..mmg kecur tgk :p~


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