
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chicken Spaghetti Bolognese

 I made this few days ago for dinner when there was no mood for rice and my hubby was travelling. As usual, everytime I cook spaghetti, my two teenage boys enjoyed it so much that everything was swept clean. They always compliment that my pasta is the best (and their friends said the same) that not any Deli can match it...haha LOL, only made me feel good but don't think that is true.

It is so simple to make.... anyone need the recipe? I'm so lazy to type at the moment. If anyone needs it, just let me know & I'll type it later when my mood is backed...
Here is the recipe update.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Serves 5-6 persons
1  packet Spaghetti - boil until ala-dente 
+/- 400g Minced Chicken Meat
1 Big Onion - chopped 
4-5 tbsp EV Olive Oil
4-5 cloves Garlic*
1" Ginger* (* pounded) 
2 tbsp Chili Paste
1 tsp Ground Black Pepper
1 small can Tomato Puree
1 can Button Mushroom - chopped
Herbs - Mixed Herbs, Parsley, Basil, Oregano
2 tbsp Flour - mixed with some water 
Salt & Sugar
Parmesan Cheese

1. Heat up Olive oil & stir fry pounded ingredients until fragrant.
Add in big onion & stir for a minute.
Add in chili paste & stir fry until fragrant.
Add in mushroom & stir for a minute.
Add in tomato puree, salt & sugar.
Add in minced chicken, pepper & herbs.
Add some water & let it boil.
Thicken with flour paste.

2. To serve, place cooked spaghetti on a plate & pour chicken bolognese on top.
Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.


Hidangan 5-6 orang
1  peket Spageti - rebus & tapis
+/- 400g Ayam Cincang Halus
1 biji Bwg Besar - cincang
4-5 sb EV Olive Oil (Minyak Zaitun dara)
4-5 ulas Bwg Putih*
1" Halia* (* tumbuk) 
2 sb Cili Mesin
1 st Lada Hitam tumbuk
1 tin kecil Tomato Puree
1 tin Cendawan Butang - hiris nipis
Herba - Mixed Herbs, Parsley, Basil, Oregano
2 sb Tpg Gandum - bancuh dgn sedikit air
Garam & Gula
Parmesan Cheese

1. Panaskan minyak zaitun & tumis bhn tumbuk sehingga wangi.
Masukkan bwg besar & tumis sekejap.
Masukkan cili mesin & tumis sehingga wangi.
Masukkan cendawan & kacau sebentar.
Masukkan tomato puree, garam & gula.
Masukkan ayam, lada & herba.
Masukkan air & biar menggelegak.
Masukkan bancuhan tepung utk memekatkan kuah.

2. Hidangkan spageti yg telah di rebus ke dlm pinggan & tuangkan kuah ayam bolognese ke atasnya.
Taburkan parmesan cheese.


  1. Salam Along,
    Kadang2 kalau mood nasi tak datang makan spageti gini pun memang best ni....

  2. Ini kalau kat umah akak, tak sampai 1 jam lesap. Favourite anak-anak. ALL TIME FAMILY FAVOURITE

  3. nyum! sedapnyer.. sy pon suka makan spagetti. letak origano byk2 ^^

  4. Nyum,, nyum.. telan air liur kejap.. Memang tak tahan godaan bila masuk sini.. Kena la rebus spagetti lepas ni.. hehe

  5. Salam Along..

    Kebetulan , baru lepas masak spaghetti utk dinner mlm ni...rasa tak nak mkn nasi.samalah hero2 di rumahpun suka mkn spaghetti.
    molek jadinya cendol Along..sedap mkn cendol dgn kuah santan&gula melaka
    re; ubi badak kalau saya, rasanya lebih sedap dari ubi lemak2 sikit wpun tawar. biasa org rebus cicah dgn kelapa muda + gula. boleh juga buat pengat...bubur..

  6. along,mie nak jgk!!!! sedapnye... patutla anak2 along kate sedap...mie yg dok tengok ni pn dh terbayang betapa sedapnye spag along tu...

    *along, nanti rajin tls resepi die ehhh...hehheheh

  7. Sedapnya mie ala Italy buatan Along. Whenever you are free, please share the recipe ... so we can try out this delicious spaghetti at home :)

  8. Ijan,
    Wsalam. Mmg betul tu, kekadang jemu lak nak makan nasi.

    Paty's Kitchen,
    Haha rumah Along 15 minit je dah licin...hehe. Bebudak kat rumah ni mmg hantu makan pasta.

    Tun Telani,
    Along letak sikit je oregano sbb bau dia kuat.

    Dah siap ke buat spageti...hehe.

    Bebudak kebanyakan mmg suka mkn spageti. Alaa... nyesal lak tak beli ubi badak tadi tu, taktau lak sedap dari keladi... Along ni mmg suka keladi tau.

    Along dah update dah respi...selamat mencuba.

    ok, already updated the recipe. I tambah cili pes sbb suka pedas sikit, kalau you tak tahan pedas, reduce the chili amount k. Actually my chili paste is not hot because I deseeded it before processed.

  9. Slurp, mouthwatering here, delicious pasta..

  10. Assalamualaikum...
    Pernah sampai sini sekali. Berkenan dapurnya cantik. Pastu lupa. Nasib baik jumpa balik. Follow yea kak. Taku hilang jejak lagi. Hehehe saya ni baru nak belajar masak. Tu yang suka skodeng dapur orang.

  11. Priya, Preety,
    Thanks for dropping by & drooling over my pasta.

    Kak Sam,
    Wsalam. TQ singgah, follow & tinggal mesej. Datang lah selalu2.

  12. Salam.. Hehe.. dah kak.. hentam je.. tak reti masak sangat pun..


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