
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gold Cake Yam Rolls (Popiah Berinti Keladi & Kuih Bakul)

 Popiah with unique filling - combination of yam, coconut & Gold Cake.... wallaah... delicious! When I saw this at Wendy's house, I straight away wrote the ingredients in my shopping list and made this for our evening tea today. If I delay further, I've got to wait for another year because Gold Cakes (or Nian Gao or Kuih Bakul) are only sold during Chinese New Year festival.
Different place of shooting give different color to the photos. The first one was under normal bulb lighting and the second one is under flourescent light....

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Wendy
Makes about 18 pieces
500g Yam - steamed & mashed 
100g Fresh Grated Coconut
2 tbsp Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
300g Gold Cake/Nian Gao - cut 2" strips 
Popiah Skin / Spring Roll Wrapper (5" sq)
Egg White (I used Flour Paste) 

1. Mix mashed yam, coconut, sugar & salt.
2. Lay a piece of popiah skin & spread 1 tbsp mashed yam.
Place a piece of gold cake, brush edge with egg white or flour paste & wrap.
See illustration below.
Repeat until all ingredients are used up.
3. Deep fry until golden.
4. Serve warm & be careful of hot melted gold cake filling.


Source: Wendy
Lebih-kurang 18 ketul
500g Keladi - kukus & lecek
100g Kelapa Parut
2 sb Gula
1/2 st Garam
300g Kuih Bakul - potong 2" strip
Kulit Popiah Skin (5" sq)
Telur Putih (Along guna pes tepung jer) 

1. Gaul rata keladi, kelapa, gula & garam.
2. Ratakan 1 sb adunan keladi, letak seketul kuih bakul, sapu tepi kulit popiah dgn pes tepung & gulung dgn kemas.
Rujuk gambarajah di atas.
Buat lagi sehingga habis semua inti keladi.
3. Goreng popiah sehingga kekuningan.
4. Hati2 kuih bakul di dalam nya cair & amat panas. Sejukkan sebentar sebelum di hidangkan.


  1. ooo sedap nya.Mana Cm nak cari kuih bakul ni...

  2. salam along..
    kreatiflah along!!
    macam2 boleh buat sendiri..cendullah kuih bulanlah..sedappp2 plak tu..

  3. Ya Allah..sedapnyer..sume akak suka, kuih bakul,keladi, popia...laparnyer...meh ler pos sini seketui...

  4. biasanya saya beli kuih bakul di impit keladi goreng di Brickfields, KL . Gerai tu memang laku dan sedap.. saya paling suka kuih tu..

    tapi along lagi kreatif..boleh jadi popia pulak..rasa kuih bakul yg manis tu memang sedap di campur keladi...

  5. laaaaa ghupernyer nian gao tuh kuih bakul kerr?? hahahaa.. jakun btol! hihi... Nmpk sedap btol la long ... tingin nk ghase... klu hantaran wat kuih traditional gini ok tak long? jimat kos! kekekeke


  6. woww..kreatip laa along nih..all in 1..bak sini 1 by 1..hihi..mesti best mkn suam2 kan!

  7. Bila la sue nak rajin macam along ni ya..kreatif lak tu..mcm2 resepi ha..heeee

  8. Nur tak pernah makan popiah ni.. Nampak sangat sedap..

  9. Wah! Unik la kuih ni dan simple plak tu. Satu masa nanti kena cuba nih.

    T.kasih bagi resepi;-)

  10. Haha, yeah, you'll have to wait another year, but then, if you have leftover dodol, I think you can make this too.
    Glad you liked it

  11. Ya, saw it too @ Wendy's blog ... These are really tempting & yummy.

  12. Wow... looks really yummy. Tk pernah tengok resipi letak yam dan kuih bakul mcm ni.. kreatif :)

  13. CkManggis,
    Rasa nya ada lagi kuih bakul waktu ni, lebih2 CNY... cepat gi cari.

    Tgh mood nak 'melantak' ni sbb tu ler ghajin...kikiki. Bdn pun cam kena pam dah ni....

    Kombinasi yg memang sgt best, amik ler 5 ketoi yg dah idang tu....hehe

    Bukan along yg kreatip, ni amik idea kat blog Wendy.

    hahahaa boleeeeh, nak berapa, nanti Along order kuih bakul yg besor talam sampai yg kecik comel susun buat kek 10 tingkat, pastu kalau makmertua nak makan suh liana golong & goreng....kikiki.

    Sebenornya kita hentam mkn panas2 tapi terkulat2 kepanasan sbb kuih bulan tu cair tapi best. Isyk, soli kita layur je, dah abis ler ari ni, jap nanti buat lain kita hanto buat Sue.

    Sue pun mesti rajin juga, dah ada niat tu mesti pas ni usahakan jer, pasti rajin kan.

    Along pun tak pernah makan tapi tengok sedap sgt tu yg cuba, mmg tak rugi buat ni sedap betoi...hehe

    You are welcome. Selamat mencuba.

    Nono... dodol and kuih bakul does not taste the same, this one really ngam with kuih bakul... I love kuih bakul hehe.

    The combination of yam & kuih bakul is really nice... a must try thing.

    Mmg kreatip org yg reka ni, sedap ler Ijan tapi Ijan kat sana takda kuih bakul halal ler kan.

  14. Kreatif Along!

    Hmmmm, keladi leh cari, kulit popia leh beli...bakul ada tapi kuihnya tak ada...camna tu?

    mck dah buat uil-less roti pita tu.TQ


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