
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Homemade Noodles (Mee Kuning)

I felt energetic this morning that I decided to make my own noodles for breakfast. This recipe is really good as it produces quality noodles which is springy and not soggy.

Rasa mee kuning ni standing dengan yg di jual di pasar sebab tekstur yg liat & tidak mudah putus. Along rasa puas hati dapat makan hasil tangan sendiri yg terjamin halal, bersih & sihat. Kekadang yg di beli kat pasar tu terlalu berminyak dan rasa air abu berlebihan sehingga pedar/pahit.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source with Compliments: KR Forum_ Z'lyna Lynn
(Transalated into English)
Serves 5-6 persons
220ml Water (Air)
500g Flour (Tpg Gdm)
1/2 tsp Alkali Water (Air Abu)
Few drops Yellow Coloring (Beberapa titik Pewarna Kuning)
1 tsp Salt (Garam) 
1 tsp Edible Lime (Air Kapur) 

1. Mix 110ml water with yellow coloring, whitewash & Salt.
Mix the other 110ml water with alkali water.
[Campurkan pewarna kuning, air kapur & garam ke dlm 110ml air.
Campurkan air abu ke dlm bahagian 110ml air selebih nya]

2. Add alkali water into flour until evenly mixed.
Add in the remaining water & mix well to form a ball of dough.
Note that the dough is very hard not soft like pastry.
[Campurkan air alkali ke dlm tepung & gaul sebati.
Campurkan air yg selebih nya & uli menjadi doh.
Jangan risau doh ni tersangat keras.]

3. Take 1/4 portion and flatten it with roller.
Run it through noodle machine until flat like below.
[Bahagi kpd 4 bahagian, gelek dgn penggelek tgn & selepas itu gelekkan dgn mesin seperti dlm gambar di bawah]
Finally run through the machine to cut into noodle shape.
[Potong bentuk mee menggunakan mesin penggelek mee]
4. Boil some water & add 1 tbsp oil.
Blanche the noodles in the boiling water for a while (not too long).
[Didihkan air + 1 sb minyak & celur mee sebentar sahaja] 
5. Toss the noodles & run through tap water.
Add in 1 tbsp oil & mix well.
Ready to be used.
[Toskan mee & bilas dgn air paip.
Gaulkan 1 sb minyak. Siap.....!] 


  1. along..cayalah along bt mee sendri..o,air abu n air kapur lain ye..apa fungsi 2,2 tu eh..

  2. Roz, best nyer dpt buat mee kuning sendiri! Syabas! Tentu lebih byk resipi mee lepas ni kat blog. My sis kata ilmu buat mee harus ada sbb kat luar negara tak da jual mee kuning basah, semua kena buat sendiri.


  3. Along..bak sini mee 1 kilo..nak goreng utk minum ptg..hehe

  4. waaaah,lepas ni kita semua pakat2 buat mi sendiri..tutup le kilang buat mi kat depan nuuun..hehe..ambik masuk list lah resepi ni..puas cari akhirnya tirjumpa jugak..maceh along.hehe

  5. Deliah,
    Dulu Along ada cuba buat mee bubuh air abu je, mee dia tak cukup liat. Mungkin fungsi air kapur tu menambahkan liat mee.

    Ya lah, hopefuly yg kat overseas tu dpt manfaat drpd yg di kongsikan kat sini.

    Alaa lambat nya mintak, semua dh masuk peyut...hehe.

    Buat sendiri kan terjamin halal & kebersihan. Along buat ni sekejap jer dah siap, tak susah pun. Rasanya boleh bertanding dgn yg jual, sedap.

  6. Salam Along..
    Wah tabek lah..buat mee sendiri..

  7. Hmm...teringat zaman dolu2...kenangan dgn arwah mak.

  8. Apa lagi yang Along tak bisa? Bener2x hebat lah! Mee buatan sendiri kelihatannya jauh lebih enak dari yang dijual.

  9. Sometimes, noodle factories put in too much borax (a preservative) and it gives it that funny smell. According to my noodle factory friend, noodles made without borax won't keep for even a day at room temperature and look at those sold at minimarkets, they are kept outside for days and days and nothing happens.

    I've just bought a pengelek mee and I do hope to make noodles, but without the yellow colouring.

  10. Wendy,
    Don't agree with your friend's statement - my noodles last at least for a day... I think the mass production and unclean place in factory perhaps the reason why it does not last a day without preservatives.
    You can see my noodles are not so yellow... me too don't like my noodles too yellow.


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