
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sweet Sour Tilapia

 ..... my family's favourite dish. This is all in one with protein and vegetables and hence one type dish is sufficient to accompany rice.
By: Roz@HomeKreation
1 Tilapia Fish (weighted about 1 kg) 
1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder
4 cloves Garlic*
1" Ginger* (* pounded) 
2 tbsp Chili Paste
2 tbsp Tomato Sauce
2 tbsp Oyster Sauce
1 tbsp Hoi Sin Sauce
1 tbsp Plum Sauce
1/2 cup Water
1 tsp Cornflour + some water
1 Big Onion**
2 Green Chilies** (** sliced) 
Tomato - cubed
Mixed Veg

1. Rub fish with salt & turmeric powder & deep fry until cooked.
Place it on a serving plate.

2. Heat up few tbsp oil & stir fry pounded ingredients* for 1 minute.
Add in chili paste & fry another minute.
Add in all the type of sauce.
Add in water or more/less to the amount of gravy that you prefer & thicken with cornflour paste.
Let it boil & add salt to taste. No sugar necessary as the sauce should make it tasty already.
Add in the rest of ingredients & boil for a while.

3. Pour sauce on top of fish & serve immediately with white rice.

1 ekor Ikan Tilapia (+/- 1 kg) 
1/2 st Serbuk Kunyit
4 ulas Bwg Putih*
1" Halia* (* tumbuk) 
2 sb Cili Mesin
2 sb Sos Tomato
2 sb Sos Tiram
1 sb Sos Hoi Sin
1 sb Sos Plum
1/2 cwn Air
1 st Tpg Jagung + sedikit air
1 biji Bwg Besar**
2 biji Cili Hijau** (** hiris) 
Tomato - potong2
Mixed Veg

1. Lumur ikan dgn garam & serbuk kunyit.
Goreng sehingga masak & letak atas pinggan.

2. Panaskan sedikit minyak & tumis bhn2 yg di tumbuk*.
Masukkan cili mesin & tumis selama 1 min.
Masukkan semua jenis sos.
Masukkan air kurang/lebih setakat mana kuah yg di kehendakki & pekatkan dgn tpg jagung.
Biar menggelegak + garam. Tak payah letak gula sbb sudah cukup rasa.
Masukkan bhn2 lain & masak sebentar lagi.

3. Tuangkan kuah ke atas ikan goreng tadi & hidang segera dgn nasi putih.


  1. along..ada 2 ekor lg dlm fridge..set,for lunch esok dah ada idea..cute betul liana tunjuk cr2 mkn bingka...muahs2 kat dia :))

  2. Salam Along
    So far mama x pernah mkn ikan tilapia... ikan air tawar??? Kalau ikan patin dah mkn sedap lembut.
    Mcm pedas jer sweet & sour fish tuh!

  3. I'm seriously bad with fishes, thus I can't recall if I've eaten tilapia or not. Hehehe! :D

    Simply mouthwatering dish kak!

    Thank you so much for sending over more kuih yam ya...sweetest of U! ;)


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