
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ikan Masak Acar (Fish with Pickeld Vegetables)

 Found another recipe in Kongsi Recipe that made me curious to try. I like the crunchy cucumber in it.
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: KR / here (Ady Greatsword)
(Translated into English)
1-2  Mackerel Fish (Ikan Tenggiri)
1/2 Cucumber - cut into stick shape 
1/2 Carrot (skipped, no stock) 
2 Red Chili*
2 Green Chili* (* cut into 4 lengthwise) 
4 Shallot**
5 cloves Garlic** (cut 2) 
3 tbsp Vinegar, Salt, Sugar
1/4 cup Water
5 tbsp Chili Paste***
1 Big Onion***
2 cloves Garlic***
2 tbsp Dried Shrimps***
2 Candle Nuts***
1" Turmeric Root***
1/2" Ginger*** (*** blend)

1. Rub fish with turmeric powder & salt. Deep fry & keep aside.

2. Heat up some oil & stir fry blended ingredients until fragrant.
Add in vinegar, salt & Sugar.
Add in water & let it boil.
Add in fried fish & the rest of ingredients.
Stir fry few minutes until well mixed.

3. Serve with white rice.
Terima-kasih ya tuan punya resepi. Izinkan Along kongsi di sini pula tapi resepi diubah suai sedikit. Boleh klik link di atas kalau nak tengok resepi asal.

1-2 ekor Ikan Tenggiri
1/2 batang timun - dipotong jejari 
1/2 batang lobak (tak bubuh, xda stok) 
3 btg Cili Merah*
3 btg Cili Hijau* (* dibelah empat) 
10 biji Bwg Merah**
5 ulas Bwg Putih** (** dibelah dua) 
1/4 cwn Air
3 sb Cuka, Garam, Gula
5 sb Cili Mesin
2 biji Bwg Besar***
2 ulas Bwg Putih***
2 sb Udang Kering***
4 biji Buah Keras***
1 inci Kunyit Hidup***
1/2 inci Halia*** (*** kisar)

1. Ikan digaul dengan serbuk kunyit dan garam. Digoreng dan ketepikan.
2. Panaskan minyak dalam kuali dan tumis bahan yang telah dikisar sehingga naik bau. Masukkan cuka, garam, serbuk perasa dan gula.
Masukkan air & biar mendidih.
Masukkan ikan goreng & kesemua bhn2 lain.
Masak sebentar lagi sehingga sebati rasa.

3. Hidangkan dgn nasi putih.


  1. Hello Ros, wow! Sekali lagi, WOW!
    I love your this ikan masak achar.
    Never seen or eaten this before, never heard too.
    It looks really excitingly, delicious! Sedap best tu!

    Minta ma'af I champor English and bahasa as bahasa saya sebelum Merdeka. Kalau tulis all bahasa takut silap get mistaken for marriage proposal, itu la lecheh, kan? Ha ha, just joking.

    I think dapat makan ni, tiga pinggan nasi tentu lichin, ha ha.
    Ros, would you mind I copy this pic? To keep in my folder, bila saya naik angin next day...and blog about beautiful ladies who have black belt in cooking, I will display yours, credit you of course.

    No need sign surat lawyer kan? Okay, saya outang you satu teh tarek lambong tinggi.
    You have a happy rabbit year, and keep a song in your heart.
    Best regards, Lee.
    ps, you ada black belt in cooking, ya.

  2. Slurp,thats a tongue tickling dish..

  3. acar ikan..kat bawah sambal goreng jawa..dua2 nampak best..kena try nii...! :)

  4. Can I say something kak? YUMMMMMYYYY!!! What an irresistible dish! :D

  5. Assalam along, acar ikan nampak sedapnya...
    dah lama tak makan.. kecur dah ni...

  6. Salam along..
    eemm sedapnyaaa..
    terbayang tengah gaul2 nasi panas ngan acar ikan ni...lapar pulak jadinya..hihi

  7. Dear Uncle Lee,
    Happy Chinese New Year and a healthy rabbit year to you. Thank you so much for your inspiring words and also the Teh Tarek Lambung special (outang). You put smile on my face & put song in my heart too. I'm proud that you tried to use bahasa as much as you can, perfection is not important at all. You are such a gentleman and I will be honored for you to use any post you like - no surat lawyer lah (wink2, you know how to steal lady's

    haha, very nice the way you said it.

    Dua2 menu kampung tapi satu Jawa satu Melayu... pilih mana suka hehe.

    You can only pick the cucumber bcoz u don't like fish tapi I think u shld try the malay cooking of fish, guarantee no smell lah.

    Wsalam. haha kalau dpt bau lagi ler kecur tau.

    Fara Dean,
    Wsalam. haha... along pun rasa lapo gak lepas balik keje ni dengo fara cakap cam tu.

  8. Hello Ros, terima kaseh seribu for your kind permission re your gambar...I mean the food gambar.
    Tengok la bila naik angin, I will display it.

    I have always loved Malay food...the cooks too, ha ha ha.
    You have a nice day, stay young and simpan satu lagu dalam hati.
    Best regards,
    ps, you are a good photographer. Your gambar...the food....very clear and outstanding! Well done, Ros.

  9. Nice blog, with fantastic recipes..
    do also feel free to visit my blog/s

  10. Hello again Uncle Lee,
    Welcome seribu kali too...hehe.
    You are the first one to compliment my photos... learn thru trial & error & also from my son, thanks Uncle Lee - you give me so much kind words.

    Thanks for dropping by. I will visit you too.


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