
Friday, February 11, 2011

Love Map Cake (Kek Alunan Kasih)

 This cake is not only beautiful but tastes so good too. The texture is also nice, soft, melt in the mouth and not dry. I baked this for Chinese New Year party in the office yesterday and the reason I chose it because of its bright colour to denote the joyous occasion. I've translated the name into English as map cake because that's what I think it looks like.... agree with me?
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source with compliments: AmFlora (original by KR_Pn. Mastura Yasak)
(Translated into English)
Makes 8" square

250g Butter
1½-2 cup Sugar (I used 250g)
5 Eggs
1 tsp Essence Vanilla
½ cup Fresh Milk
2½ cup Flour (I used 270g) + 1 tsp Baking Powder
Cocoa Powder

1. Beat butter & sugar until white & fluffy.
Add in egg one by one while beating.
Add in EV, milk & mix well.
Mix in flour gradually until combined.

2. Divide into two portions & color green & pink.
Spread 1/2 of green portion into a lined & greased tin.
Sift cocoa powder on top until evenly covered.
Spread 1/2 of the pink portion carefully & avoid messing up with the cocoa layer.
Repeat with the remaining batter.

3. Bake 170C at 45 minutes.


Untuk resepi dalam BM, sila rujuk link drpd source di atas.


  1. Hello Ros....Holy Smoke! This is one of THE most beautiful cakes I've ever seen! And it looks soooooooooo GOOD! Masuk mulut tentu melt in mouth macham butter.
    I tengok, agak2 empat keping boleh jadi sama saya, arhaaaa ha ha.
    Ada iced coffee?

    I bet you thinking, 'waa, terok jemput these Canadian people, makan a lot, lagi pun mintak iced coffee". ha ha ha.

    Okay, this cake now confirms you ada 2nd degree Black belt in advanced culinary skills. Roz, you are not only good, but nanti saya fikir for the right word.......nanti ya......Okay!..... Got it!
    You are OUTSTANDING!!!

    I sure suka this cake! And alamak, the nama 'Love map cake'? First time saya read this name of a cake. But very nice name, Ros.
    At first thought 'love me cake', ha ha ha.
    You know la, my bahasa! Da rosak.

    Okay, mind if I copy this picture? Nak buat my other kawan2 lintang pukang when I naik angin and buka cherita about beautiful ladies who have black belts in cooking...I display this cake.
    Terima kaseh Ros, outang you another teh tarek lambong tinggi, ya.
    Have a pleasant weekend...and hold that lovely smile of yours.

  2. Hi Ros, if you got nothing else better to do, drop by my pondok...check out this two previous my archives.
    Bila saya naik angin, ha ha.
    1/ 'I eat to live, not live to eat'. D/d 1/12/11

    2/ 'Eat these cakes and see 2 moons'. D/d 9/29/10
    If you want to leave any fingerprints lepas tengok, would appreciate you leave it at present posting, saves me put reverse gear and gostan....ha ha.
    Have a nice day and simpan satu lagu dalam hati.

  3. cantik dah tu alunan kek tu along.. kaler pun nice :)

  4. waduhhhhhh besan sudah mengalunn! tersangat la cantiknyerrrrr... tk kedip mata dbuatnyer! ..... nk ajak liana wat snowman nih... jommmmmm hihihi

  5. OMG! What a beautiful cake ... it's SO right in your face!!! LOL!!! Can't wait to make it!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. alaa..along pun dah buat..jeles2..bila nak mengalun nih..hihi..cantik laa kek along!nakkk

  7. Salam AlongRoz
    Wow sampai 4 tingkat lagi kek alunan kasih- meriah lagi warna mmg sesuai ngan mood Chinese New Year :)

  8. Salam AlongRoz
    Meriah warna nya..bila la kita nak buat..belum sampai seru...sedap mata memandang..

  9. jatuh terselepuk tgk kek along nih..manyak cantek maaa :)))

  10. salam along..
    amboiii cantik sungguh kek tu...
    mmg sesuai utk CNY..
    nak sepotong!!

  11. dah lama tak singgah kat pondok uncle lee :)salam Along.Dah lama pasanh niat nak masak kek alunan kasih ni.Ramai kawan kawan dah buat ...hai kena pasang niat lagi ni:)

  12. Dear Uncle Lee,
    Hahaha.... it's fun to have you melt my heart, so not only 4 keping, next time I bake you whole cake. I visited those sites but will leave you my comment one day. At the moment I have throbbing neck pain, cannot look at pc too long. Thanks for dropping by & make up my weekend.

    To All the Rest,
    Maceh ler segala puji2an tu, hehehe sonok gak kena puji. Tapi kek ni memang cantik, tak kira siapa buat pun memang cantik gak kan. Siapa yg belum buat tu, cuba lah cepat sebelum angin Alunan Kasih berhenti bertiup...hehe.

  13. last nite before i went to bed, i visited this post plus the chocolate a result....i sampai termimpi2 i berjaya buat these 2 gorgeous cake n pudding at the same time!!! huhuhuuuuu cantiknya bestnye.....tadi idah pi cari barang2, i nak buat tonite! yes, dua2 sekali!...tomorrow i'll tell u the result!!!heheheh

  14. Salam Akak..Wahhhh..dah sampai sini pun alunannya..Sedap kan kek ni...Saya pernah cuba dan menyukainya...ada masa yang sesuai nanti nak cuba buat lagi

  15. Done!!!..thanks for sharing the recipes...dgn semangatnya I buat the chocholate pudding and the love map cake last nite!! my boys were so excited! suka they all bila i packed kan masuk lunch boxes for school siang tadi...thanks K' eldest son selalu tanye i, mum have u got a new recipe from ur friend? (sbb dia selalu nampak i explore ur blog carik resipi)hehehe....ur blog is my reference!....the younger son x abis2 puji i'm the great chef hehe.....tgk la siapa sifunya...thanks a lot!

  16. Hi Kak, i baked this cake today it was very beautiful but mine is abit dry, not like u said melt-in-the-mouth type. Wonder what went wrong? mayb i should not used 2.5 cups flour?

  17. MKM,
    Try to weight the flour to 270g like what I suggested in the recipe and also try to test the cake 5 minutes earlier, overbaking can cause cake to become dry.

  18. I made this cake but comes out not nice. Bottom part hardened and somemore like kueh. Top part ok but crumbly. Maybe the eggs i used are large eggs. The cheese bingka is very nice. That recipe I tried is successful.

  19. Delia,
    Sorry to hear the cake did not turn out as expected. Check if any of the followings possibilities that I could think of:
    - the batter extremely overmixed causing loss of air to hold the flour hence kuih-like batter.
    - liquid/milk not properly mixed causing flour to curdle when added in
    - uneven oven temperature or not pre-heated

  20. mengancam jugak lah kek nie... rindu plak nak membakar kek...


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