
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Talam Cendul

 I have some leftover Cendul & kidney beans from last week and turned them into this lovely kuih. I love the texture of the kuih which is almost like pudding (very smooth) and it has very nice fragrant and most of all very delicious with well balanced sweet bottom layer and creamy top layer. I must say this is the best talam kuih I've eaten so far. The texture is very different than the one using wheat flour.
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Yochana
I modified & halved the recipe as below
Makes 8" round
Bottom Layer
70g Rice Flour
30g Hoon Kwee Flour
85g Brown/Palm Sugar
80g Sugar
550ml Water
1/4 tsp Alkali Water
Top Layer
500ml Santan
3/4 tsp Salt
35g Rice Flour
25g Hoon Kwee Flour
100g Cendul
100g boiled Kidney Beans

1. Mix all bottom layer ingredients and sieve it.
Cook over low heat until thicken. 
Pour mixture into a greased tin and steam for 30 minutes.
2. Mix all the top layer ingredients and cook over low heat until slightly thicken.
Off flame, add in cendol & beans and mix well. 
Pour onto the brown layer and steam for 30 mins.
3. Cool completely before slicing. 

Kuih talam ni sangat sedap dan lembut licin seperti puding. Rasanya lemak, berbau harum & tidak terlalu manis. Anak2 pun suka sangat di bandingkan dgn kuih talam yang lain.

Lapisan Bawah
70g Tepung Beras
30g Tepung Hoon Kwee
85g Gula Melaka/Merah
80g Gula
550ml Air
1/4 tsp Air Alkali
Top Layer
500ml Santan
3/4 st Garam
35g Tepung Beras
25g Tepung Hoon Kwee
100g Cendul
100g Kacang Merah Besar

1. Campurkan bhn2 lapisan bwh & tapis.
Masak dgn api perlahan sehingga pekat.
Tuang ke dlm acuan yg di minyakkan & kukus 30 minit.
2. Campurkan bhn2 lapisan atas & masak dgn api perlahan sehingga pekat sedikit.
Tutup api & campurkan cendol & kacang merah sehingga rata.
Tuang ke atas lapisan hitam & kukus 30 minit.
3. Sejukkan sebelum di potong.


  1. teringin sangat2 nak makan cendol, terpandang lak kat sini ada talam cendol.... wallahhhh sedapnya!

  2. salam Along.Cantik sungguh talam cendul ni.Idea yang bagus bubuh kacang.Cantik rupa sedap pulak rasanya:)..selamat malam semoga dibuai mimpi yg indah indah:)

  3. Amboi Along..
    Comel2nye talam cendul tu..Kidney bean tu menambah seri kuih tu..

  4. Woww wat a gorgeous and delicious talam cendul..

  5. as salam kak long
    wahhhhh...cantek dan gojes...bila la dpt rasa ni...

  6. liana cayangg... dah gosok gigi blom?? kekekeke... lawo gler talam along! macam nak framekan nak tenung2 jerk... sayang nak makan! kekekekeke

  7. wahhh cantiknyer talam along ni..

  8. waduh...bagus gak idea tu..campur kacang dan cendol

  9. KakRose,
    Kat sana banyak mamak jual cendul kan, along kat sini terpaksa ler buat sendiri sbb takda mamak kat sini...hehe.

    Memang serasi ler campur kacang, rasa cam ABC lak...hehe

    Comel cam tuan dia...kekekeh... perasan jap. Good idea ler campur kacang, memang sedap.

    wink2... thanks!

    Wslam. Nak rasa kena pejam mata....mmmmmm nyum2...hehe.

    hehehee... senang camtu, nanti kita kasi hantaran gambo jer...kikiki.

    Memang puas hati buta respi ni, kuih dia bukan saja cantik tapi lembut kenyal sedap sangat.

    Nak perabih saki-baki cendul & kacang jadi sedap lah pulak....hehe.

  10. klu xda tepunh hoon kwee tu...blh ganti ngan tepung apa? tepung gandum blh?

  11. LINA,
    Boleh cuba guna tepung jagung atau tepung gandum pun ok.


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