
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kek Lumut (Sarawak Steamed Green Cake)

 I made this delicious cake as a gift to Cik Riz who invited us for lunch at her house today. This cake is very popular in Sarawak but typically Sarawak cake require long hours of steaming which produces very moist cake. The rich ingredients make it very tasty and one piece is definitely not going to be enough....

My top photo shows a cut while the cake is still hot so it looks crumbly whilst the bottom photo looks more neat & moist when sliced a day later.
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: DayangJack
(Slight modification & translated into English)
Makes 8" round
1 cup Flour*
1 cup Horlicks* (* mixed) 
3/4 cup Sugar
250g Butter
4 large Eggs
1 tbsp Pandan Paste
4 tbsp Serikaya
1/4 cup Condensed Milk

1. Beat butter & sugar until white & fluffy.
Add in egg one by one while beating slowly.
Add in milk, serikaya, pandan paste & beat in between.
Add in flour & horlicks mixture.

2. Pour into lined & greased tin.
Steam for 3 hours (medium heat).

Kek yang popular kat Sarawak ni dan respi ni amat sedap, lemak dan lembab. Amacam, ada nampak cam lumut tak...? hehehe

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: DayangJack
Makes 8" round
1 cwn Tepung Gandum*
1 cwn Horlicks* (* mixed) 
3/4 cwn Gula
250g Butter
4 biji Telur Grade A
1 sb Pandan Paste
4 sb Serikaya
1/4 cwn Susu Pekat

1. Pukul butter & gula sehingga putih & kembang.
Masukkan telur satu persatu sambil di pukul perlahan.
Masukkan susu pekat, serikaya, pandan paste & pukul rata setiap campuran.
Masukkan tepung campuran horlicks.

2. Tuangkan ke dlm tin yg di lapik & di minyakkan.
Kukus 3 jam dgn api sederhana.
Makan2 at CikRiz's house: main menu is Nasi Kerabu, Kerabu Mangga Sutun and Tapai Pulut (Photo courtesy from CikMal's FB):


  1. the green is nice and is so neatly sliced (:

  2. Salam along, thanks 4 trying the recipe. dh lmk juak kmk sik molah kek ya. tp msh terasa2 n terbau2 jak wangi kek ya. alu kepingin juak nk rasa 1 slice kek dipolah ktk ya koh..hehe. thanks again. ;)

  3. 3 hours?? Wow...Is it somthing like the steamed fruit cake we have here in Peninsular? I dengar it's also steamed for 4 hrs. The texture is dense but moist, a bit "springy" to the bite, probably due to long hrs of steaming. I like that texture!

  4. Cake looks soo spongy and marvellous..

  5. lama x mkn kek kukus...huwaa..mintakkk!!
    resepi tok kedak serikaya pandan owh?resepi lumut yang dalam simpanan kmk lain sikit..ada makei tepung almond ka apa..lupak dah..hehe..macam2 pesen kek sarawak tok kan

  6. wow....cake looks sooooooo good and yummy !!!!Check out my recipes too at and let me know your valuable comments !

  7. Hi Roz, that Sarawak cake is really something fantastic. I sure love the green colour.
    Ini masuk mulut, satu tentu ta'chukup, ha ha.
    I can practically get the lovely scent from here.
    I can imagine the time you spend in the kitchen, one hand on hip making this....and your kids lining up waiting with spoons in their hands, "bila siap, mak"?

    Bila nak buat kek Toronto? Ha ha ha.
    Have fun and sure wish I can have 2 pieces of this cake.
    Ahhhh, but the gambar da masuk into my Apple...*wink*.
    Have a nice day. Lee.

  8. Roz, I lupa nak tanya everytime I datang here.
    How come your blog header atas tu ada Canadian advertising?
    You in Malaysia, but having Canadian adverts?

    Like my contractor used to say, 'I not be knowing why'? Ha ha.

  9. Salam Alongz...

    dah lama hajat nak buat kek ni, bahan2 pun dah lama beli tp entah bila nak buat. entah2 dah expired barang tu dlm kabinet

  10. OMG~ it's GREEN!! @@
    haha... 1st time tgk kek yg totally green! nmpk sgt moist.. 3 jam kukus! kene penuhkan air dlm kukusan laa, kn. kalau air kering tgh2 kukus, jd mendap x kalau bukak utk tambah air?

  11. As'salam Along, first time letak komen sitok, loved your blog and your blog is amongst the many favourites of mine. My version of Kek Lumut is different cos ada makei air teh and nestum, hv tried it once tp so licak one, terpaksa makan makei sudu..I just don't how to alter the resepi, even my mum pun sik pandei nak alter resipe tu. Herannya my cousin yg guna same recipe kek turns out to be ok...

  12. On what heat for 3 hours?
    Wish to try this.

  13. Along the 1st photo nampak macam boleh buat cucuk bunga la pulak.But the 2nd photo Buat lidah rasa tercucuk-cucuk nak cuba merasanya hi..hi..hi...Ni 1st time tengok kek warna hijau..mata kita memang terpaku!

  14. wah.. tgk blog nih tetiba perut terasa lapar...

  15. Sweetylicious,
    If you like rich taste & moist cake, try this one. Wait till it is cool completely before slicing then it will look neat.

    Wsalam. Kamek pun kek sik dapat tanding nak di polah toke...hehe. Aok eh, nyaman gilak kek ya, harum menggoda.

    I think it probably cooked after 2 hours, original recipe calls for 2.5 hours but I purposely steamed for 3 hours for longer lasting.

    One of the specialty from Sarawak....

    Ada kamek nanggah kitak pun version, kelak mao cobak juak, sure nyaman engkah nestum...

    Only Fish Recipes,
    TQ for dropping by. I will visit your blog after this.

    Uncle Lee,
    This cake is specialty from Sarawak and you must try one day, too good to miss. Haha my kids no longer queue with plates... they are all grown up and can help me with the oven and photographing.
    That shows how smart my advertisement that it can sense your presence. Do patronise it if you like.

    Wsalam. Aish... cepat2 gi buat, tak tingin ke nengok kek along yg lembab harum menggoda tu...hehe rugi2 kalau terbuang bhn2 tu.

    Tun Telani,
    Kek ni populat kat sini pd musim2 raya. Along ada buat entri pas ni tips mengukus & cara2 menambah air, harap dpt jwb soklan Tun.

    Wsalam. TQ sudi tinggal mesej. Lum pnh coba Kek Lumut makei air teh. Mun betul sukatan sik patut juak licak kedakya. Kelak kamek coba versi makei Nestum, leh kitak banding dgn respi kitak pun.

    I used medium heat for all my steam cakes.

    Puan Ros,
    hahaha sebab tu lah nama nya Kek Lumut memang nampak cam span cucuk bunga...hehe. Tapi ni bukan sebarang lumut tau, sekali rasa tak cukup seketoi.

    haha... boleh jamu mata je...

  16. I will gladly share my version with you. Will email to you ya.


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