
Friday, April 1, 2011

Baked Sugee Kuih (Bingka Suji)

 I love this, I love this.....! It tastes so nice, moderately sweet and perfect texture which is not too hard neither too soft. The top was browned under a grill for extra fragrant.
Sorry, for late update. Here is the recipe.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Jo's Deli Bakery (slightly modified) - sorry no link
Makes 8" round
3 Egg
110g Sugar
160g Sugee
250ml concentrated Coconut Milk
1 tsp Pandan Paste
1/4tsp Salt
435ml Water
90g Butter

30g Plain Flour

1. Beat eggs & sugar until sugar is dissolved.
Transfer into a saucepan & mix in sugee, coconut milk, pandan paste, salt & water.

2. Cook over medium heat until thicken like porridge consistency.
Remove from heat & add in butter & flour.

3. Pour into a greased tin & bake in preheated oven 190C for an hour.
Use grill for the last 5 minutes for extra brown top.

4. Cool completely before slicing.

Resepi yang sangat bagus menghasilkan kuih yang sedap. lembut & wangi.

Source: Jo's Deli Bakery (ubahsuai sedikit)
Saiz 8" bulat
3 bj Telur
110g Gula Pasir
160g Suji
250ml Santan Pekat
1 tsp Pandan Paste
1/4tsp Garam
435ml Air
90g Butter
30g Tepung Gandum

1. Pukul telur & gula sehingga gula hancur.
Masukkan ke dlm periuk & campurkan suji, santan, pandan paste, garam & air.

2. Masak dgn api sederhana sehingga pekat spt bubur.
Tutup api & camourkan butter & tepung sehingga sebati.

3. Tuangkan ke dlm tin yg di minyakkan & bakar 190C selama sejam.
Gunakan function "grill" utk 5 min terakhir untuk extra garing.
4. Sejukkan sebelum di potong.


  1. Yummy sedapnya.. Teringat kat mak Nur.. dia suka sangat kuih ni..

  2. Salam
    Lembutnya nampak bingka tu, lama saya tak makan

  3. Assalam along, kita ni kuih bingka2 ni suka semenjak dah masuk asar ni..heheh
    memang nampak pun lembut

  4. Along kue pebret sy ni ,suke sbb rasanya kenyal2 gitu

  5. aduhhhh menarik nak je sepotong hehehe muka tak malu ni

  6. along...resepi dah ada ke? dok tang mana?
    cantik betul kaler ijau tuh...macam terbau2 pandan (ada letak pandan ke) dan suji dah neh...yum2

  7. Hi Roz

    Thanks for dropping by my blog.

    A week after I reported the problem, the thumbnails automatically appeared again. On 30th March 2010, the problem recur again. Maybe they are doing something the blogger ..updating system or what. That's why the thumbnails went missing

  8. Dear All,
    Thank-you for the message. Sorry for late response. Clearing a lot of other tasks in the weekend.

    Kpd semua kekawan,
    Maceh singgah & sori lama tunggu respi. Baru malam ni dapat nak ngadap blog ni, macam2 benda nak di buat ujung2 minggu ni. Mmmuah2.... lebiu.

  9. insyaallah saya akan cuba..sbb byk lg stok sugi kt lemari tu..

  10. I tried the recipe. The kuih was still too wet after 90 minutes in the oven. The top was nicely browned but the the kuih turned out soggy.


  11. Mawar Merah,
    Dah cuba ke belum....

    Sorry to hear it did not turn out as expected. I'm not sure what went wrong. Here are some check list for you:
    Did you bake in the recommended tin size? (Smaller tin will make the kuih too thick & difficult to cook).
    Did you modify any of the recipe or follow all measurements accurately?
    Did you cook the batter until thick before baking?
    Is your oven has been set at the right temperature? If it is a big oven, try to reduce the temperature by 10C.
    The recipe has been tested by others successfully so hope you try again.

  12. tahnx kongsi resepi ni...
    nak buat untuk mak abah...diorg suka sgt ni...hihi


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