
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pineapple Pancakes (Penkek Nenas)

 The first time I tasted Pineapple Pancake was in Amsterdam during my Europe tour recently - see here. It tasted really nice that I decided to try to make it for the family to enjoy it. I have created a recipe from basic pancake batter and received 5 thumbs up, including Liana's who finished a whole pancake. My two boys were eating the pancake with repeated "emmmmmmh... so delicious...." and each of them had 2½ pancakes of a dinner plate size.
The darker version (on the right) tastes nicer and crispy.  For crispier result, place extra butter before pouring the pancake batter. The butter will cause the color of the pancake surface becomes brown and uneven but that is what it supposed to look like - it should not look smooth and beautiful golden color like plain pancakes.

I bought quite a young fresh pineapple and hence not sweet enough. So I decided to grill it with butter and brown sugar before adding to pancake batter. The result was superb and made a lot of different to the whole flavour. For extra tasty, serve the pineapple pancake with both palm sugar syrup and maple/pancake syrup as shown in the photos.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
1 whole Pineapple or Canned pineapple ring
250g Plain Flour
625ml Fresh Milk
3 Eggs
2 tbsp Melted Butter
2 tbsp Sugar
Pinch of Salt

1. Peel pineppales and remove the "hairy noses" by slicing shallowly along the nose line in spiral direction.
After peeled, slice it into thin circles.

2. To grill the pineapple rings, melt some butter in a flat pan / griddle.
Place pineapple rings and sprinkle some brown sugar.
Flip the pineapple rings occasionally & sprinkle more sugar/butter as necessary.
Once the pineapple rings are soften and coated with caramalised sugar, lift it & place in a plate.
Note: Skip step 1 & 2 if using canned pineapple but I can assure you the taste worth 5 times the effort. 

3. Blend the rest of the ingredients to make pancake batter.

4. Place a dollop of butter onto a griddle pan.
Place a couple of pineapple rings and pour pancake butter on it.
Cover until bottom part is brown.
Flip and cook just for a while before lifting it.

5. Serve immediately with maple/pancake syrup together with palm sugar syrup.
To make palm sugar syrup, just boil some coconut milk with some palm sugar, white sugar & screwpine leaf.

Along hasilkan resipi ni ilham dari Amsterdam sewaktu makan di sana baru2  ni. Memang sedap sesangat dan pujian dari seisi keluarga. Tak rugi mencuba. 
Nenas yg Along beli tu agak muda, jadi untuk rasa yg lebih istimewa, Along panggang nenas dgn butter & gula perang dahulu dan ini menghasilkan satu perisa yg sungguh sedap. Lebih enak drpd menggunakan nenas tin. Cubalah jika anda nak nak tau keenakkan nya....

1 biji Nenas / Nenas Tin
250g Tepung Gandum
625ml Susu Segar
3bj Telur
2 sb Butter Cair
2 sb Gula
Secubit Garam


1. Kupas nenas & buang "bulu hidung".
Hiris nipis bentuk bulat.

2. Untuk memanggang nenas, panaskan butter di atas kuali leper pemanggang.
Letakkan hirisan nenas & taburkan gula perang.
Balik2an kepingan nenas & taburkan gula/butter - agak2 jgn terlalu banyak.
Angkat apabila nenas sudah lembut & di saluti gula karamel.
Nota: Abaikan step 1 & 2 jika menggunakan nenas tin tetapi berbaloi guna nenas fresh yg terbukti lebih sedap.

3. Blend kesemua bhn2 utk membuat adunan penkek.

4. Panaskan sesudu butter ke atas kuali leper.
Letakkan 2 keping nenas & tuangkan adunan penkek ke atas nya.
Tutup sehingga bahagian bawah garing.
Balikkan & masak sebentar sebelum di angkat.

5. Hidangkan segera dgn sos gula melaka dan sirap penkek/mepel. 
Utk membuat sos gula melaka: masak santan + gula melaka + gula putih + daun pandan.


  1. Alonggg!!!! Ni kita dtg ambik flight kul 12.05pg tawww! :D giliran kita dtg kejut along bersahur ya hihihi.... Nanti kita g beli Nenas ya, sedap ni along kita mkn sini dulu tauu macehhhh!!!

  2. Oooooooh.... so definately for me.
    I do not like to eat fresh pineapples, but browned cooked ones are my fav!

  3. Woww pineapple pancakes looks fabulous..

  4. Salam Along. Tak sangkak ye nenas ni boleh buat pankek...kreatif betul

  5. Salam kak roz,
    Bunyinya so... tempting! liana suka betul tu. teringin.. tapi kena tunggu beli nenas dulu. hehe..

  6. Fantastic pancake luks very soft and yum....

  7. hmm yum yumm mesti sedap giler ni hehe.Tak pernah makan pan kek camni..kena cuba :)

  8. Alamak nampak penkek terus terasa lapar la..

  9. alongggg nampak sungguh seydappp

  10. Along.. kreatif la Along ni.. Nenas pun boleh buat pancake.. Sbb tu lah Naz kata along jgn berhenti berblogging..

  11. Dear All,
    Sorry for not replying earlier. Many thanks for your comments.

    Semua kekawan,
    Sori ya lambat balas. Cuba lah, memang berbaloi - sedap tau.

  12. baru pg td buat p/kek psg.Wlp ada a few recipes tp kalu nk cpt ,i guna resepi u,sb i x bimbang x jadi :) Insya Allah esok try nns sb byk nns tin kat rumah..lain kali boleh try fresh ones pulak.tq


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