
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Moist Sour Cream Chocolate Cake

 I wanted to post this yesterday but the blog was jammed up and I was too tired to stay up late. I made this cake for my hubby's belated birthday and to serve our guests on the recent Monday. Actually I made his favourite cake, Tapioca Cake (see earlier posting here) on his actual birthday on Saturday. I made him this another cake in order to celebrate with some friends. I finished making & coating the cake at almost 1am, so didn't manage to do top decoration or writing..... huuuuu.

This is a heavy buttery type moist chocolate cake and suitable for layered icing. The cake is thick enough to slice for 3 layers but I only made two layers. The added sour cream made a difference to the texture and enriching the chocolate taste. I like this type of cake and whole family and friends like it too. The cake is not so sweet and therefore you need to add ganache to compliment. The ganache I made compliment it perfectly. Definitely will make this cake again in the future.
This is a neat slice after been chilled. The texture remains moist when chilled.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source-Cake: AllRecipes
Source-Chocolate Ganache: HomeKreation
Makes 9" round
1 cup Cocoa
1 cup Boiling Water
1 cup Butter - softened 
2½ cup Sugar
4 Eggs
2 tsp Vanilla Essence
3 cup Cake Flour*
2 tsp Baking Soda*
1 tsp Baking Powder*
½ tsp Salt* (* sifted together) 
1 cup / 8 oz Sour Cream (I used 200g packet)

1. Dissolve cocoa & boiling water.
2. Cream butter & sugar until light.
Add in VE and egg, one a time while beating until well mixed.
Fold in flour and sour cream alternately, beating well after each addition.
Lastly, add in cocoa mixture.
3. Bake 170C for 1 hour until cooked when tested with skewer.
(I baked mine for 1½ hours, testing it every 10 minutes after 1 hr).
4. Unmould after 10min and cool completely before slicing then layer/spread with chocolate ganache.

450g Chocolate - chopped 
300g Cream
- Place both in a pot & cook small fire until chocolate melt.
- Cool slightly before layering cake & spreading on top. 

Q1: How to spread the ganache smoothly?
A1: Pour the ganache at the center of the cake and let it spread naturally until the whole top of cake is covered (no need to use spatula to spread). The ganache will be thicken at room temperature after a while and will not be pourable then so you must not delay the process. 
For side of the cake, wait till the ganache thicken slightly & spread using back of a spoon. Then comb the ganache for pattern as shown using cake scraper.
Cover the edge of the cake with tiny rosette using small star nozzle.

Kek sempena menyambut harijadi hubby dgn tetamu (tak sempat nak letak deco kat atas sbb siap masak & sapu ganache hampir 1pagi). Along suka kek ni sebab berat (tidak ringan macam kek moist yg lain) - tekstur seperti kek butter chocolate tapi sangat lembab. Sangat sesuai untuk di potong kpd tiga bahagian untuk di lapiskan. Perlu di hidangkan dgn chocolate topping sebab kek ni tidak manis sangat. Sesuai bagi yg gemar kemanisan sederhana. Along pasti buat kek ni lagi suatu hari nanti.

Sumber-kek: AllRecipes (di alih bahasa oleh HomeKreation)
Sumber-Chocolate Ganache: HomeKreation
Saiz: 9" bulat
1 cwn Serbuk Koko
1 cwn Air Panas
1 cwn Mentega - di lembutkan
cwn Gula
4 bj Telur
2 st Esen Vanilla
3 cwn Tepung Kek*
2 st Baking Soda*
1 st Baking Powder*
½ st Garam* (* ayak sekali) 
1 cwn / 8 oz Sour Cream (Along guna peket 200g mcm gambar)

1. Campurkan koko & air panas. Ketepikan.
2. Pukul mentega & gula sehingga gebu.
Masukkan EV & telur sebiji2 sambil di pukul rata.
Gaulkan tepung & sour cream berselang-seli sehingga habis & sebati.
Akhir sekali, gaulkan bancuhan koko tadi.
3. Bakar 170C selama 1 jam sehingga masak (test dgn lidi).
(Along punya masak selepas 1½ jam, test setiap 10 min selepas 1 jam)
4. Keluarkan dari acuan selepas 10min dan sejukkan.
Potong kek kpd 2 atau 3 lapisan.
Lapiskan/di sapukan dgn chocolate ganache.

450g Coklat - potong kecil
300g Cream
- Masukkan ke dlm periuk kecil & masak dgn api kecil sehingga coklat cair.
- Sejukkan sedikit sebelum di sapu ke atas kek.

Soalan 1: Bagaimana cara nak sapu topping supaya licin.
Jwpn1: Tuang ganache kat tengah2 kek sehingga merebak sendiri menyelaputi seluruh permukaan atas kek - tak payah guna sudip sebab nanti permukaan tak licin. Ganache yg di biarkan terlalu lama di suhu bilik akan membeku sedikit & ini akan menyulitkan proses menuang, jadi jangan tunggu2 ok.
Untuk bahagian tepi, biar ganache beku sedikit & sapu bahagian tepi kek menggunakan bahagian belakang sudu. Selepas tu, boleh lah di garu menggunakan scraper untuk mendapatkan pattern spt dlm gambar di atas.
Paipkan pettern rosette kecil untuk menutupi tepi keliling atas kek.


  1. assalam kak roz..kalau guna sour cream, sy percaya kek ni mmg sgt lembab. satu hari nanti sy mesti try jugak...nmpk sedap betol...

  2. Salam Roz,sedapnya kek.Istimewa untuk hubby mesti la sedapkan.

  3. Salam along cayang!!!! winduuuuuunyerrrrrrrr!!!! eeeeeeee.... kita suke kek mcm ni! sedapnyer! masuk list :D kat sini sour cream dijual dlm pek mcm yogurt tuu.. nak buat jugaklah! suke tgk tekstur dia! macehhhh jemput makan kek ;-)

  4. ..cantikkknya kek, tergoda sungguh, mcmana along sapu ganache tu ..licin je nampak..ada petua x? :)

  5. cantiknyer ganache tu along.. nor nak simpan resipi ni dulu ya.. kut2 one day nak buat .. tq :)

  6. Omg, cake looks gorgeous and mindblowing..

  7. salam kak...tengok gambar pun dah chocolate...

  8. Happy Birthday to your husband!I love chocolate cakes...will try this recipe..Thanks for sharing.

  9. Mindblowing dear!! Loved the cake texture and the ganache...your hubby is so lucky!!! :D

    That single lala!!! :D

  10. amboi...licin berkilat nyer kek tu..sure sedap kan...tak tahan...

  11. Alongggggg...menggodanyaaaaa...ganache pun elok jek licin....nnt Ummi nak amik resepi x tau bila nak buat...btw, thanks for sharing eh..muaahah!

  12. Along.. Cantiknya ganachenya kemas .. Suka tgk.. Kemas je decorationnya

  13. exclusive...told ya....should go for masterchef....btw, how did you spread out the ganache so smoothly? celupkan pisau dlm air panas then sapu kat atas?

  14. along cayang,eh!cikgu cayang..terima kaseh atas resepi puding keju yang lazat lagi menawan kelbu..
    huhu..mintak mahap terlupa nak mention nama along dlm story akak tu sebab terlampau seronok dgn mould silikon tu..hehe
    eh!resepi kat atas ni nampak sedap tapi mana nak cari sour cream tu ya atau boleh tak akak gantikan sour cream tu dgn yogurt.sama tak?

  15. Salam.. Hi Kak Alongroz.. lama tak singgah sini.. Wow mengancamnya kek ni.. Meleleh air liur dibuatnya...

  16. along,kalau tukar sour cream dgn yogurt blh x?

  17. pergghhh along..mmg x tahan tgk kek cekelat along nih..esp ganache tu mmg cantik menawan! a must try recipe nih..thnx along!!

  18. Nampak moist cho kek Along tu...topping coklatpun licin molek.boleh masuk senarai akan dicuba...cuma tak da sour cream...bahan2 baking tak byk kat sini...
    re;tk Along wish besday

  19. sungguh mengancam homemade kek along nih ..perfect topping..sourcream,tp kat kl mana nak dapat sour krim huhuhu

  20. To All,
    Sorry for late response, my internet line was down the last few days. Thanks for the comments :)

    Kepada Semua,
    Terima-kasih singgah ya. Sorry ler lambat jawab sbb internet lak buat hal. Pada yg bertanya cara2 nak sapu topping yg licin, nanti Along update entry ni ya....

  21. saya mmg tak penah buat kek...rase nak try la...tapi nak tanye..kalo nak bakar cake or muffin, gune api atas bawah or gune api bawah je..tq :)

  22. Anonymous(next time tolong tinggalkan nama timangan ya),
    Guna api atas & bawah supaya bahang akan sekata di seluruh oven. Letakkan kek di tengah2 (bukan besi lapik tapi kek yg di tengah2) supaya atas bawah sama masak. Harap ini dapat membantu sedikit sebanyak.

  23. As'salam Along cayang..p)

    I've tried this chocolate cake already, tapi sik sempat ambik gambar, my colleague ordered last weekend and I received good review. She loved the cake n place order for her daughter's birthday month end..tapi nak,kamek belum cerik lagik...hehehe...ty for sharing ya..or and btw, Happy belated birthday to you, may you be blessed with wealth, health and happiness.

  24. Nur68,
    Wsalam Nur cayang.
    Oh, dah cuba... glad you & friends like it. TQ for belated wishes & amin doa.

  25. salam kak long, saya nak tanya... tepung kek tu pakai tepung apa? saya xtahulah...maklumlah baru berjinak2 dgn masakan....

  26. qUETim,
    Tepung kek tu tepung halus/ringan seperti tepung Sofatasilk / Hongkong / superfine. Ada di jual di kebanyakan supermarket dlm berbagai jenama spt Nona dll. Atau pun beli kat bakery supply shop, tanya jer kat toke kedai tu. Kalau takda juga, guna jer tpg gandum tapi tekstur kek lebih berat sedikit.

  27. Pushpa
    Just wanna ask , what kind of cocoa powder or the brand u use to bake this cake ? It's looks very rich. Thinking of trying it this week. Thank u

    1. Sorry for late reply. I bought the cocoa powder packed by local baking store, not sure what brand but just an ordinary cocoa powder.

  28. Hi Kak,

    For this cake recipe, 1 cup butter is equal to how many grams?

    1. MKM,
      Di cadangkan ikut sukatan cwn spt di cadangkan resepi. Satu buku/225g cukup utk 1 cawan.

  29. Mungkin boleh kot, cuba sejam dulu lepas tu test dgn lidi samada masak atau tidak.

  30. dh byk kali try coklat cake..sume x jadi..keringla nk try yg ni ab x pnh plak tau leh pakai sour cream..nk tanye..kalau buat sendiri sour cream bole x?gune whipping cream+jus lemon..same x mcm beli kt kedai? Dn cream utk bt ganache tu whipping cream ke?

  31. Aida,
    Wsalam. Along tak pernah cuba lak buat sendiri sour cream, so tak berani nak rekmen. Cadangkan beli sour cream di kedai. Sour cream yg Along guna tu texture nya tak sama dgn whipping cream sbb is lebih pekat & kental.

  32. assalamualaikum & salam perkenalan. sy nak tanya. cream utk ganache choc tu, cream apa? fresh crem ke? whipping cream ke?

    1. Aini,
      Wsalam. Boleh guna whipping / thickened / canned/ double / single cream atau apa2 pun boleh - takda hal.

  33. Assalamualaikum,
    Nak tanya, utk sour cream tu blh tak replace dgn yogurt atau whip cream? Sama tak?
    Appreciate it, Thanks.

    1. Wsalam rfs. Yogurt tak sesuai utk topping ganache. Boleh ganti dgn whipping cream tapi rasa nya tak sama sbb sour cream ada rasa masam2 tapi whipping cream manis.


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