
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

TQ All for My Birthday Wishes

Alhamdulillah, yesterday was my 47th birthday and I had great time.... one of the best birthday celebration! First of all, syukur ke hadrat ilahi di kurniakan kesihatan, kebahagiaan, kejayaan, rezeki dan semuga lebih panjang umur untuk tingkatkan lebih ibadat selepas ni. 

This year, my birthday celebration is complete as AlongRiz is home during his summer vacation. The kids surprise me with a huge Secret Recipe birthday cake and gifts from their own pocket money. My hubby spoilt me with my chosen gifts - La Gourmet cast iron cooking set and I thought that was it.... on my birthday itself there was another one.... Habib diamond ear-rings! Hubby also gave a dinner treat at the newly opened Meritz Hotel (Grand Old Lady restaurant) to celebrate triple birthday celebration for me, himself & AngahRuz.

Birthday sensation will not be complete without wishes from relatives and friends. I was poured with more than 200 greetings from phone calls, sms, emails and facebook.... masyaallah... thanks so much to all for the wishes and greetings! I felt very overwhelmed! Some friends also bought me gifts - thanks to Mala for lovely silk tudung, Salviana for silk suits, Audrey for cute jewel box mailed from KL! 

Today I was surprised by my colleague in the office with birthday song along a Secret Recipe Cheesecake (thought they forgot yesterday but they actually waited until today because I was in meetings). It was a joint birthday celebration for me, Daphne & Joanna who were born in June. Thanks all, for your thought & treat despite extremely busy weeks during the peak period.

Special thanks to all my cyber friends for wishes and below greeting cards posted at Facebook, love ya all:
fr Yusnani Saafi
fr Sharmila Sulaiman
fr KakPaty
fr Ibh Sue
Fr Nor@Secubit Garam
fr Sri Idayu Ghulam Rasol
fr Azita Zain
fr Norlia Ismail
fr Mimiey Yaacob
fr Ivy Sew
fr MaSaly

Juga tq yg hantar belated wishes:
fr Nur@CetusanRasa
fr Linda Noordin


  1. Asslm kak... sowi kita lambat wish befdy... hepi bbefday dan semoga akak dilanjutkn usia...terus sukses, tercapai segala impian dan cita2...

  2. Happy birthday kak.. Alhamdulillah memang seronok bila kwn2 mengingati moga akak sentiasa sembira dan dirahmati Allah selalu

  3. Salam Along. happy bday sekali lagi.seronok sambut bday sekali dg orang tersayang....moga Along sekeluarga bahgia selalu...

  4. assalam doc sokmo terlambat..pepun hrp lom terlambat utk kita wish a hepi belated besday to my lovely beautiful dear sister alongroz..moga terus sihat dan dirahmati selalu olehNya..amin!

  5. huip...saya ni tertinggal la ya... ni la padahnya orang xde fesbuk... to along, selamat hari ulangtahun, semoga terus berbahagia dalam apa jua yang di lakukan dan terus maju jaya...

  6. salam along.....sorry xperasan smlm bday along..busy skit smlm xsmpt BW. btw happy birthday along, semoga bahagia di dunia &akhirat.amin3x...

  7. Bestnya Along dapat memacam eehhh...bertuah badan...ummi pun tumpang suker laaa...moga Along bahagia selalu...

  8. hppy bday..Along dear...nmpak sgt muda belia you! peh ni kena share your secret recipe of youthful....nk gak awet muda cam Along!

  9. the strawberry chocolate, I bought that as a gift on Mother's day, delicious.

  10. Assalamualaikum..
    Buat Kak Alongroz, Nur ambil kesempatan ni nak ucapkan "Happy Belated Birthday" buat akak.. Semoga Allah memanjangkan usia akak, melimpahkan rezeki yang halal, dan mengurniakan kebahagiaan yang berkekalan buat akak sekeluarga. Maaf sebab agak terlewat untuk wish.

    Suka membaca sambutan hari lahir daripada anak2 akak dan juga suami.. Akak sangat bertuah kerana memiliki sebuah keluarga yang bahagia.. Sedap benar melihat kek tu.. :)

    Hmm boleh beritahu kami apa rahsia akak awet muda.. Sudi-sudikanlah berkongsi..

    Hope one day kita boleh berjumpa.. :) Take care sis.. **hugs**

  11. Salam sayang pd kekawan semua. TQ so much wish & doa utk Along. Love you all!

    Pada yg bertanya, Along xda rahsia apa2, sebenarnya muka skrg dah kepot2... almaklum dah dekat 50an...hehee

  12. happy 47th beday Along..may Allah bless you! hehehe...moga Along dpt share resepi yg hebat2 lagi di masa akan dtg..hihihi


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