
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Beef & Barley Stew

 This delicious Beef & Barley Soup can be prepared with no sweat using slow cooker - just dump everything in it, no frequent check necessary and ready by the set time! That's what I did for hubby's BBQ last week when energy level is low (sorry if anyone been waiting this long for the recipe).
When I made it, I simply threw whatever crossed my mind with instinct without any specific recipe. Now a week later, I hope I can recall it correctly.... Bottom line is, use your creativity for this sort of meal!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Serves 5-6 persons
500g Beef* - cut 2" cube 
100g Pearl Barley
1 Big Onion
1" Ginger - bruised
1 tsp freshly ground Black Pepper
1 Carrot
2 tbsp Butter
2 tbsp Flour
100ml Fresh Milk
Fresh Parsley - chopped 
(* I love the beef parts that contain some muscles and my favourite is beef shank) 

1. Place clean beef, barley, onion, ginger, black pepper, salt & 1½ liter water into a slow cooker pot.
Set to high (4 hours) or slow (whole day) until beef is tender.
Add in carrot in the last 1 hr of cooking.
2. Melt butter and mix in flour until dissolved & gradually stir in milk.
Pour into the cooking stew & cook for another 30-60min.
Add in chopped parsley and let the stew sit in the pot until served.
3. Serve with garlic/plain bread.

Resepi ni dah lapuk seminggu tapi baru hari ni dapat nak update blog - ingat tak Along ada pos pasal menu BBQ untuk birthday hubby. Maaf ler kalau2 ada yg menunggu lama ya. Along buat ni guna slow cooker, senang tak payah nak mengadap dapur lama2 tapi kena rancang awal2 lah. Kalau takda slow cooker, boleh masak macam dalam periuk biasa tapi akan mengambil masa yg lebih pendek & kena hadap takut meruap atau air terkering.

Saiz hidanga: 5-6 org
500g Daging Lembu* - potong 2" kiub
100g Biji Bali
1 bj Bwg Besar
1" Halia - di ketuk
1 st Lada Hitam yg di tumbuk
1 btg Karot
2 sb Butter
2 sb Tepung Gandum
100ml Susu Segar
Fresh Parsley - cincang
(* Along suka guna daging berurat, Mak Along panggil Daging Ketin)

1. Masukkan daging, bali, bwg, halia, lada, garam & 1½ liter air ke dlm periuk slow cooker.
Set pada suhu "high" (4 jam) atau "slow" (seharian) sehingga daging lembut.
Masukkan karot sejam terakhir masakan.
2. Cairkan butter & masukkan tepung sehingga sebati.
Masukkan susu sedikit2 sambil di kacau sebati.
Tuangkan ke dlm stew & masak selama 30-60min lagi.
Masukkan daun parsley dan tutup sehingga perlu di hidangkan.
3. Hidangkan dgn roti kosong atau roti bwg putih.


  1. sedapnye...mkn lak panas2...yummy! kalo guna rice cooker leh x?

  2. sedap nya along...kmk suka menu cam tok..tpi yalah nk nggu masak nya lh maleh...uhuu..tumpng mkn ngn ktk jak kelak mun ado lgik mlh...hihi

    1. Sikboh tunggu2, kelak siap sendirik... nak mkn situk pun kena madah awal2, lamak masak tuk...hehe

  3. aduhai.. sedap.. sdap.. sedap... ada barli jugak kat dapur tu... konon nak buat air je... nak try jugaklah kalau RAJIN...

    1. T ksh along bg resepi ni,nanti saya akn buat..

    2. Ogyep,
      Tak rajin pun boleh buat ni kalau ada slow cooker mmh senang je.


  4. T ksh along..mesti try ni insya Alaah muaahh

  5. Salam AlongRoz :)

    mmg belum pernah mkn barley msk begini... tapi kalau rebus barley buat minum air mmg selalu..

    1. Wsalam.
      Kali ni kena cuba sesuatu yg lain pula kan mamahawa.


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