
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Grilled Chicken in Basil Paste (Ayam Panggang Pes Daun Selasih)

 Another surprise recipe from me.... idea came about because I wanted to clear my over-grown basil leaves from my backyard. I've cooked several dishes with basil leaves before so here is another one. This time I wanted to do something non-ordinary recipe.... I imagined how tasty the chicken will be if I were to blend the leaves and marinate the chicken in it.... to my own surprise, it turned out to be very delicious...! Try it to believe it - the chicken not only tasty but also tender & juicy.
Juicy in the inside....
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Serves 5 persons
1 big Chicken breast (about 800g) - cut into 4 slices 
6 cloves Garlic*
25 sprigs Basil Leaves* - remove stems 
1/2 cup Water*
2 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar*
1-2 tbsp Honey*
Salt* (* blend until fine paste) 

1.  Rub chicken with salt & pepper.
Marinate with blended ingredients for 1/2 day in fridge.

2. Heat up ridged pan with some oil.
Grill chicken until cooked on one side.
Flip and let it cooked completely.

3. Heat up 2 tbsp butter and pour the excess marinate sauce.
Cook until thicken & serve along the chicken.

Ni lah lauk nya untuk Nasi Minyak Bandung yg Along tayangkan kelmarin. Resipi ayam panggang ni tentu nya sesuatu kelainan sebab Along pandai2 sendiri mencipta hasil imaginasi sebab daun selasih yg terlampau banyak gemuk2 kat belakang rumah tu. Hasil nya sungguh sedap seperti yg Along sangkakan.... bukan sahaja rasa nya yg harum berperisa malah ayam nya tersangat lembut. Kalau nak tahu kena lah cuba sendiri tau... memang spesel & sesuatu kelainan!!

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Hidangan 5 orang
1 ketul besar Dada Ayam (~ 800g) - potong 4 keping
6 ulas Bwg Putih*
25 tangkai Daun Basil* - ambil daun nya shj
1/2 cwn Air*
2 sb Balsamic Vinegar*
1-2 sb Madu*
Garam* (* blend sehingga menjadi pes) 
Lada Hitam

1.  Lumur ayam dgn garam & lada hitam sehingga rata.
Gaulkan bhn2 yg di blend* & perap 1/2 hari dlm peti-sejuk.

2. Panaskan kuali pemanggang bergerigi dgn sedikit minyak.
Panggang ayam sehingga masak di sebelah nya & balikkan.
Biarkan sehingga masak sepenuh nya.

3. Panaskan 2 sb butter & masak lebihan bahan perap sehingga pekat.
Hidangkan bersama ayam tadi bersama nasi/kentang/roti.

Chicken with marinate sauce
Grilling in process


  1. kalo xabes ayam ni buat salad mesti sdap kn?

  2. Hi, the chicken looks so delicious.

  3. Salam Along...wah sedapnya tambah lagi jika ada daun basil. Saya pun suka dgn daun basil nie rasa pedas pedas hehe. Tapi tak pernah lah blend dan buat camni..ish mesti sedap sangat...terliur dah...

  4. Salam.. Kalau dah minat, tentu kita akan jadi lebih kreatif lagi.. Kagum dengan Kak Alongroz.. Kaulah sumber inspirasiku.. :)

  5. Aslmkum Along. Morning!.
    Ni yg best ni, pg2 dah jamu mata dgn makanan yg best2..Terbaiklah Along.. (^_^)

  6. wow! wanginya ayam selasih Along tu... sedap tuh!

  7. Salam Alongroz,
    You must really take some time off and compile all your recipes into a book, you have something outstanding here, lain dari yang lain. Please do! I always enjoy blogwalking here and picking something out to try and "tempt" my difficult eaters at home. They are always appreciative. Amongst your recipes that is HOT in my kitchen is your pancakes, a favourite to take to kindie. Thank you so much.

    Rosmarie, Miri

  8. Salam AlongRoz... seyes tertarik sama grilled chicken along...

  9. Salam Along.kreatif Along masak ayam guna daun basil....ayamnya pasti sedapkan...

  10. salam gan ...
    menghadiahkan Pujian kepada orang di sekitar adalah awal investasi Kebahagiaan Anda...
    di tunggu kunjungan balik.nya gan !

  11. wahh sedapnya along...menarik resepii nie..leh try:)

  12. sedappppppppp..bangat...nk mintak jauh lah gilak...jamu mata jak lah...:-)

  13. salam along.....aduhai ayam, menggodanya engkau. manakan ku cari daun basil fresh ni. Along kena jual ni kalau byk sgt.hehe!!!

  14. saya memang peminat ulam ni..mesti cuba nanti.

  15. Salam semua, tq singgah ya. Nanti Along bals kunjungan jika berkesempatan.


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