
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bubur Kacang Durian on our 23rd Anniversary

 It has been 23 years together.... syukur alhamdulillah. No cake or special cooking this year... hubby seriously asked me to rest. However, I cooked him his favourite dessert.... nothing fancy but for sure he was very happy! I added two types of Durian to the dessert - you can see the two different colors in the photos - the brighter yellow is Durian Ukak.

I received overwhelming wishes and doa from many friends.... amiin ya amiiin... semuga doa anda di makbulkan Allah. Syukur and am very happy to share our special day with all friends out there.
 For recipe, can refer here.


  1. Congratualtions dear. Amin amin moga sampai ke Jannah. Menarik sangat bubur kacang u ni, color cantik durian nyer.

    1. TQ Nastyna, amin. Durian Sarawak memang terang warna nya.

  2. Tahniah Along.. Semoga membawa hingga ke Syurga...

    Belum habis lagi episod durian nampaknya.. Hubby ogyep pun suka amat bubur kacang hijau, lagi2 kalau ada durian..

    1. TQ Ogy. heheee... tahun ni mmg lepas geram habis2an. Oh, minat juga ya, meh makan sama2...hehe

  3. Waaaa....mengancam bubur kacangnya... Hepi anniversary Along... semoga bahagia selalu

  4. hepi2 selalu ya along..selamat ulangtahun

  5. Salam semua... heheee sorry lah episod durian yg tak abis2 ni sehingga ke anniversary pun makan durian gak...kikiki. Maceh atas ucapan & doa anda sekalian. mmmmmmmuah2 love u all.

  6. Salam Ros,
    An intriguing recipe.. what with the dua jenis durian. The colour also is vibrant..

    I've been visiting your blog for quite a while now but never really got to properly introduce myself (if you don't count that comment at your 'Congo Bars' post). I'm Azian and I hope we can continuously keep in touch. Thanks and cheers :)

    Btw congrats for your 23 years of marriage. Alhamdulillah dah lama kawen pun masih nampak muda lagi!


    1. Wsalam Azian. TQ so much for your self introduction & nice to get to know you. TQ for nice wishes and kind words, muka dah byk kedut... tak nampak jer kat foto tu...hehe. If u have FB, a lot easier to stay in touch.


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