
Monday, December 10, 2012

Milo Brownies

 Liana's Montessori had a graduation day last Friday for those completing the kindergarten level (age 6) and for her it was her nursery graduation as she will be moving to a different school for her Level 1 (age 4) Kindergarten  next year. The Milo Brownies was my pot luck to her Montessori and the teachers gave good feedback. It is moist and tasty with milo and melted chocolate chips.

  The theme was "One Malaysia" so the kids dressed up in traditional costumes, see Liana in her baju kurung.
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Adapted from Ovaltine Brownies from here
Size: 8" square
125g Dark Chocolate - chopped
157g Unsalted Butter - softened
131g Brown Sugar
2 Eggs
125g Plain Flour
1/8 tspn Baking Powder
2½ tbsp Cocoa Powder
75g Milo Powder
78g Dark Chocolate Chips/Chunks

1. Preheat oven 180°C.
Lightly butter 8in baking pan lined with foil, leaving 1in overhang on both sides.
2. Melt chocolate and butter using double-boil method until smooth.
Remove from heat and set aside to cool for a few minutes.
Add in sugar and eggs and stir to combine.

Sift the flour, baking powder and cocoa over the chocolate mixture.
Add in Milo and stir until smooth.
Mix in chocolate chunks/chips.
3. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and bake for 30 minutes or until just set – do not overbake.
4. Cool the cake in the pan, then carefully remove it using the foil handles.


Brownie ni memang sedap sangat, sesuai untuk kanak2. Oleh itu Along pun buatlah untuk pot luck sekolah Liana Jumaat lepas semperna hari graduation Liana from Montessori. Tahun depan Liana akan pindah sekolah untuk masuk Level 1 tadika. Dah tradisi dari abang2 Liana mesti masuk ke sekolah yg sama, walaupun sekolah sekarang dekat dgn rumah. Cikgu2 kata brownies ni sedap dan sememang nya pun sebab tekstur yg lembab, ada coklat cip dan secukup rasa.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Adapted from Ovaltine Brownies from here
Alih bahasa oleh HomeKreation
Saiz: 8" persegi
125g Coklat Gelap - cincang
157g Mentega tanpa garam - lembutkan
131g Gula Perang
2 bj Telur
125g Tepung Gandum
1/8 st Baking Powder
2½ sb Serbuk Koko
75g Milo
78g Coklat Cip

1. Panaskan oven 180°C.
Lapik tin dgn kertas aluminium - biarkan terlebih panjang dari tin 1".
2. Cairkan coklat & mentega dgn kaedah double boil sehingga licin.
Sejukkan beberapa minit.
Masukkan gula & telur & kacau sebati.
Ayak tepung, baking powder & koko ke dlm adunan coklat.
Masukkan Milo & kacau sehingga sebati.
Masukkan coklat cip.
3. Tuang adunan ke dlm tin & bakar selama 30min - jgn terlebih masak.
4. Sejukkan sebelum keluarkan dari tin dgn mengangkat lebihan kertas aluminium.
Can you see the melting chocolate chips in it?

Ready to be carried to school....


  1. wahhh teras-rasa je dlm mulut nih..huhu

    1. Alalaaaa... nganga lah Faa, meh Along suapkan...hehe

  2. ...mlm2 tayang brownies...lapar diat..cute liana penat jak nya lam gamba ya..nyaman brownies lil princess chacha mesti suka juak...:-)
    boleh molah..bila free kelak..tq for sharing ya along cayang...

  3. Cutenya Liana berbaju kurung... Kak, tengok gambar brownies ni pun macam nak 'ngap' je.. hehe

  4. As salam along...comelnya liana berbaju kurung...nampak hapenning hehe.
    Brownie pun sedap ...nanti kita kidnap resepi nie ye.

  5. sedapnya...along...Kalau dah suka coklat & milo memang ngam sangatlah dgn tekak say. Senang2 nanti nak cuba jugak...

  6. sedap & berbaloi cuba. siap menjual lg

    1. Dua tahun simpan baru cuba ke.... hehee... apa2 pun tq sudi mencuba & kasi feedback.


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