
Monday, July 14, 2014

Beef Spring Rolls (Popiah Daging, Kentang & Pis)

 This is late entry which I prepared on the first day Iftar.... Made quite a big batch and froze big portion of it for later consumption. I love this type of filling... chewy tiny bits of beef combined with big chunky potatoes and peas; blended with aromatic spices... wrapped with spring roll skin and deep fried to perfect crispiness.... then while still hot, dipped in Thai chili sauce.... mmmmmm.... nyummmmmm!!!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Spring Roll Skin 7.5" sq
200g Beef - sliced into tiny bits 
4 Shallots*
1 cloves Garlic*
1 tsp Cumin*
1 tsp Fennel Seeds*
1 tsp Black Pepper* (* pounded) 
1 Big Onion - diced 
1 tbp Curry Powder
4-5 Potatoes - peeled & cubed & boiled 
1 small can Peas
Chinese Celery

1. Heat up some oil & fry the pounded ingredients until fragrant.
Add in curry powder, big onion & salt.
Add in beef & stir until cooked.
Add in Potato & peas & cook for few minutes.
2. Place a spoon of filling into a piece of spring roll skin & roll.
Seal the edge with flour paste.
3. Deep fry until crispy.
Serve with chili sauce.
Chunky potatoes with beef, peas and all the goodness of spices

Popiah inti daging, kentang & kacang peas adalah kegemaran Along sejak dari zaman remaja lagi... Along suka kentang yg di potong kiub besar, daging yg di hiris halus supaya terasa apabila digigit dan keenakan kacang peas di dalam aroma rempah2 nya.... Along buat ni hari pertama Iftar lagi dan suka buat lebih dan di bekukan supaya sedia ada bila2 masa bila terasa nak makan. Bila nak makan, cicah dgn sos Thai... waduhhhh.... 10 bj pun boleh di bedal tapi perut jer yg tak muat....hehehe...

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Kulit Popiah 7.5" sq
200g Daging - hiris kecil2
4 ulas Bwg Merah*
1 ulas Bwg Putih*
1 st Jintan Manis*
1 st Jintan Putih*
1 st lada Hitam* (* tumbuk) 
1 bj Bwg Besar - cincang
1 sb Serbuk Kari
4-5 bj Ubi Kentang - kupas, potong kiub besar & rebus empuk
1 tin Kacang Peas
Daun Sup

1. Panaskan minyak & tumis bhn2 tumbuk* sehingga wangi.
Masukkan serbuk kari, bwg besar & garam.
Masukkan daging & kacau sehingga daging masak empuk.
Masukkan kentang & kacang peas, masak sebentar.
2. Sudukan inti daging ke atas sekeping kulit popiah & gulung rapi.
Lekatkan hujung nya dgn bancuhan tepung.
3. Goreng dgn minyak dalam sehingga rangup.
Hidangkan dgn cili sos Thai.

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