
Friday, September 5, 2014

Fresh Corn Jelly (Agar-Agar Jagung)

 I made this more than a month ago but too busy to update the blog.... If you love sweet corns, then you will love this dessert that I have created. This jelly tastes good but blending the fresh corn was not a good idea because it resulted in coarse husks in the jelly... so I have modified the recipe to use canned corn cream instead which will be smoother.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Size: 8" square
6g Jelly Powder
1 can Cream of Corns
110g Sugar
250ml Milk
350ml Water
6g Jelly Powder
100g Sugar
200ml Coconut Milk
350ml Water
1 pinch Salt

1. Bottom layer:
Boil jelly powder & water until dissolved.
Add in sugar & stir until dissolved.
Add in milk & cream of corns, stir well.
Pour into a container.
Let it half set & scratch surface before pouring the next layer.
2. Top layer:
pisan atas.
2. Lapisan atas:
Boil jelly powder & water until dissolved.
Add in sugar & stir until dissolved.
Add in coconut milk & salt, stir well.
Pour onto the prepared bottom layer.
3. Let it set at room temperature before chilling it in fridge.

Along memang suka main2 dengan agar-agar... boleh pelbagaikan bahan2 & citarasa mengikut kreativiti.... Kali ni Along buat Agar-Agar Jagung pula sebab hubby beli banyak jagung hari tu. Buat ni dah lebih sebulan lalu cuma baru sekarang sempat nak update kat blog ni. Rasa nya sedap tapi Along rekmen guna krim jagung dalam tin lebih sedap sebab jagung fresh bila di kisar akan menghasilkan banyak hampas2 biji jagung.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Saiz: 8" persegi
6g Serbuk Agar-Agar
1 tin Krim Jagung
110g Gula
250ml Susu Segar
350ml Air
6g Serbuk Agar-Agar
100g Gula
200ml Santan
350ml Air
Secubit Garam

1. Lapisan bawah:
Didihkan serbuk agar2 & air sehingga larut.
Masukkan gula & kacau sehingga larut.
Masukkan susu & krim jagung, kacau sebati.
Tuangkan ke dalam bekas.
Biarkan separuh beku, cakar dgn garfu sebelum di tuangkan lapisan atas.
2. Lapisan atas:
Didihkan serbuk agar2 & air sehingga larut.
Masukkan gula & kacau sehingga larut.
Masukkan santan & garam.
Tuangkan ke atas lapisan tadi.
3. Sejukkan di suhu bilik sebelum di masukkan ke dalam petisejuk.


  1. Hi Roz,
    I would like to make this agar-agar for my children. What brand of agar-agar powder are you using? Normally, I use the rose brand but of late this brand doesn't harden when cook.

  2. Delia,
    I'm using Rose brand too and no problem at all. Take note that the latest packaging has reduced in weight so u need to adjust the amount of liquid accordingly.


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