
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sticky Date Cake with Butterscotch Sauce (Kek Kurma dgn Sos Butterscotch)

 I made this yesterday to bring to a friend's birthday party. I started to bake it an hour before the party started because I came back from town late that afternoon. So I brought it to his house fresh from the oven and poured the topping during serving. It was a hot hit with many compliments including from the teenagers who were there... quite surprise that everyone like it! Actually the cake will mature and taste better after two days but it was good when served warm too. The sweetness is moderate with dense and soft texture. The dates blended very well with the cake and it tasted almost like pudding and delicious combination with butterscotch sauce.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: cake by SuperFoodIdeas; Butterscotch Sauce by HomeKreation
250g Pitted Dates - chopped 
1 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
1½ cup Boiling Water
125g Butter - softened
¾ cup Brown Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
2 Eggs
2 cup Self-raising Flour -

½ cup Fresh Milk
1 pinch Salt
½ tsp Vanilla Essence
25g Butter
¼ cup Condensed Milk

1. Place dates and bic soda in bowl.
Pour over boiling water & allow to stand, uncovered, for 20 minutes or until dates are tender.
2. Beat butter, sugar and vanilla until pale and creamy.
Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition.
Using a large metal spoon, stir in date mixture and flour alternately. Mix until well combined.
3. Bake at 180C for 40-45 minutes.
Stand for 10 minutes before turning onto a wire rack.
4. Make butterscotch sauce: Combine butter & sugar in a saucepan over medium heat and stir until bubbling.
Add in fresh milk slowly & stir until dissolved & boiling.
Add in EV & condensed milk & stir 1-2 minutes until slightly thickened.
Pour warm sauce over warm cake.


Kek ni Along buat kelam-kabut kelmarin sejam sebelum jemputan bermula.... sempat juga di siapkan dan bawa ke majlis harijadi sahabat sewaktu masih panas & Along tuangkan sos nya sewaktu di hidangkan. Kek ni amat lah sedap.... tidak manis, amat lembab dan rasa yang enak lemak di gandingkan pula dgn sos butterscotch. Dapat pujian ramai & semua nya suka termasuk budak2 pun... :)! Gambor kali ni tak cun sangat sebab tak sempat nak posing & lampu pun agak kelam sebab outdoor waktu malam. Along main snap pakai camera cokia jer... takpa lah, janji dapat kongsikan resepi yg sedap ni dgn semua....

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: cake by SuperFoodIdeas; Butterscotch Sauce by HomeKreation
250g Kurma tanpa biji - potong kecil 
1 st Bicarbonate of Soda
1½ cwn Air Panas
125g Butter - lembutkan
¾ cwn Gula Perang
1 tsp Esen Vanilla

2 bj Telur
2 cwn Tepung Naik Sendiri -

½ cwn Gula Perang
cwn Susu Segar
1 cubit Garam
½ st Esen Vanilla
25g Butter
cwn Susu Pekat

1. Gaulkan kurma & bic soda dlm mangkuk.

Tuangkan air panas & biarkan selama 20 minit sehingga kurma lembut.
2. Pukul butter, gula & EV sehingga putih.
Masukkan telur satu persatu sehingga sebati.
Guna senduk kayu, gaul kurma & tepung berselang-seli sehingga sebati.
3. Bakar 180C selama 40-45 minit.
Biarkan 10 minit sebelum kek di keluarkan dari acuan.
4. Untuk sos butterscotch: Masak butter & gula dlm periuk dgn api sederhana sehingga berbuih.
Masukkan susu cair sedikit2 sehingga gula larut & mendidih.
Masukkan EV & susu pekat, kacau 1-2 minit sehingga agak pekat.
Tuangkan sos yg suam ke atas kek yg suam & hidangkan.


  1. wah cantik tang meleleh tu mesti makan pun sodap ni kan

    1. Memang sodaaap KakNoor..... cuba jgn tak cuba tau!

  2. Hi there, just like to say i love your blog and your recipes.

    As a fellow food blogger, i was wondering whether you would be at all interested in entering my blog's recipe competition? On Chef Mel's Kitchen ( You just have to follow my blog and email a recipe to be in with a chance to win the prize! Thanks very much,

    Melanie Booth

    1. Hi Melanie,
      TQ for the compliments. ok, will do so :)

  3. Salam,

    Boleh tahu akak guna kurma jenis mana? Yang Mozafati (agak manis) ataupun jenis bertangkai (kurang manis)?

    Air rendaman kurma perlu masukkan dalam adunan kek juga?

    Lagi satu, untuk kek lapis. Tepung hong kong sama tak degan tepung halus lagi putih atau tepung pau?

    Saya tak ada tepung hong kong, boleh tak guna salah dari dari tepung tersebuk?


    1. Wsalam.
      Along guna kurma lembut & lembab, kurang pasti apa nama nya. Ada kurma yg lembut, sederhana & keras kering kan. Yang lembut tu agak juicy sedikit & selepas di rendam akan kembang & air nya lebih berperisa.
      Ya, air rendaman pun perlu di masukkan juga. Nanti Along akan update reseipi spy lebih jelas.

      Tepung Hong Kong, Tepung pau & tepung superfine agak berlainan sedikit. Kalau takda tepung HK, boleh guna tepung superfine seperti cap Nona. Tak pasti lak tepung pau sbb Along tak pernah cuba dlm kek lapis. Kalau takda tepung HK atau superfine, boleh juga guna tepung gandum biasa tapi tekstur nya sedikit beda tapi tidak menjejaskan kejadian.

      Harap tips di atas membantu. TK atas pertanyaan anda.

  4. Hi, can i know what pan size did u use?

    1. Hi Kimmy. Sorry for late reply. It is a standard bundt pan equivalent to 8" round capacity.


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