
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Custard Apple Pie (Again)

 I made this many times and shared here few times earlier in here, here & here. Sharing herewith again since the last entry was five years ago. This was to serve for Chiew Fong's farewell last month in here.

Photo at top using Samsung and at bottom Canon.... came out quite distinctly....

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Size: 10-11" round 
250g Flour
125g cold Butter
3 tbsp Castor Sugar
1 Egg Yolk
1-3 tbsp Water

1. Mix the first three ingredients using cut & mix method to produce breadcrumbs like.
You can use food processor or do it manually using blunt dinner knife to do so.
Make sure you do this quickly before butter is melt to ensure crispy pastry.
Don't worry if there are butter bits, you must not knead before adding egg & water.
2. Add in egg yolk & mix with finger and if a dough is not formed, add water a tbsp at a time until a ball of dough is formed.
3. Chill it for 20 minutes and then line the pie tin.

6-8 Red Apples (depending on the size of the apples & size of your tin)
1-2 tbsp Sugar for sprinkling
2 Eggs
½ cup Caster Sugar
1 tin (170ml) Nestle Cream
1 tsp Vanilla Essence

1. Peel, halved, cored and sliced apples 3/4 through - see the picture above.
Arrange apples onto the prepared pastry base.
Sprinkle sugar & bake 200C for 20 minutes.
2. Beat eggs and sugar until well mixed.
Add in cream and beat to just mix.
Add in vanilla essence.
3. Pour onto baked apples.
Bake at 180C for 20 minutes or until custard is set.
4. Cool & chill.

Apple Pie ni kesukaan Along, famili & kawan2 & banyak kali dah buat setiap kali ada permintaan. Dulu ada dah kongsi resepi kat log ni tapi in BI... tu pun lima tahun lalu so Along buat lagi entri pie di sini & dalam BM pula. Along buat jamuan bulan lepas untuk kawan, so pie ni salah satu menu kat entri tu di sini. Kalau nak tengok entri sebelum ni, leh klik kat sini, sini & sini.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Saiz: 10-11" bulat 
250g Tepung
125g Mentega Sejuk
3 sb Gula Kastor
1 bj Kuning Telur
1-3 sb Air

1. Campurkan tepung, gula & potong2 mentega dgn pisau/garfu sehingga berderai seperti serbuk roti atau pun leh guna food processor.

Untuk mendapatkan pastry yg rangup jangan adun terlalu lama sehingga mentega cair dan jgn uli sebelum masukkan telur & air.
2. Masukkan kuning telur & masukkan air sesudu2 sambil digaul sehingga terbentuk doh.
3. Sejukkan dlm petisejuk selama 20 minit.
4. Gelekkan & atur ke dalam tin pie.

6-8 bj Epal Fuji/Merah
1-2 sb Gula - untuk tabur  
2 bj Telur
½ cwn Gula Kastor 
1 tin (170ml) Nestle Cream 1 st Esen Vanilla

1. Kupas epal, belah dua, buah pulur & hiris2 3/4 jangan putus spt gambar.
Susun epal ke dalam base pie tadi.
Tabur gula & bakar 200C selama 20 minit.
2. Pukul telur & gula sehingga sebati.
Masukkan cream & pukul sebati.
Masukkan EV & gaul rata.
3. Tuang adunan ke atas susunan epal tadi.
Bakar 180C selama 20 minit sehingga custard masak.
4. Sejukkan di suhu bilik & dlm petisejuk.

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