
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Mee Bakso Tulang

This was our menu on the recent Idh.... Everyone in the house enjoyed it so much, truely satisfying for the special occassion when all children were backed home just for the weekend! After the heavy breakfast and lunch menu with ketupat, Biryani rice, etcs we opted noodles for dinner - was a perfect choice!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
1 kg Beef Bones
1 Lemongrass - bruised 
~300g Beef Balls - slice the top in criss cross like shown in the photo
6 Shallots*
2 cloves Garlic*
1 tsp Black Pepper*  (* blended) 
1" Ginger - bruised 
1 tsp Soup Spice Powder
Mix spices - cinnamon bark, star anise, cardamon, cloves
Garnishes - Chopped Chinese Celery & Spring Onions, Fried Shallots, Sliced Chilies

1. Boil beef bones with 1 liter water, lemongrass & salt until tender (I cooked mine in slow cooker overnight)
2. Heat up some oil, stir fry mix spices, ginger, blended ingredients & soup spice powder until fragrant.
Add in about 1 liter water and let it boil.
Add in beef balls and let it cook before adding boiled bones.
Add in salt & cook for another 10 minutes to let the taste blended.
3. Serve soup on top of blanched noodles (yellow noodles or rice vermicili), pressed rice and bean sprouts.
Sprinkle with chopped celery, spring onions, sliced chilies and fried shallots.
Top with spicy soy sauce for extra hot touch!

Alhamdulillah, raya haji tahun ni seronok amat berkumpul dengan kesemua anak2 walaupun mereka pulang hanya dua hari sahaja sebab kolej mereka tidak bercuti. Dah banyak tahun tak berkumpul penuh seperti ini. Tahun ni buat menu Mee Bakso Tulang pula..... hubby & anak2 makan berselera.... puas hati melihat nya.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
1 kg Tulang Lembu
1 btg Serai - ketuk 
~300gBebola Daging - hiris2 atas nya supaya kembang terbuka bila di masak
6 ulas Bwg Merah*
2 ulas Bwg Putih*
1 st Lada Hitam biji*  (* blended) 
1" Halia - ketuk 
1 st Serbuk Rempah Sup
Rempah Tumis - kulit kayu manis, pelaga, bg lawang, cengkih
Bahan Tabur - hirisan Daun Bwg/Sup, Cili Merah & Bwg Goreng

1. Rebus tulang dgn ~1 liter air, serai & garam sehingga daging empuk (Along masak guna slow cooker semalaman).
2. Panaskan minyak, tumis rempah tumis, halia, bahan2 blend*, rempah sup sehingga wangi.
Masukkan lebih kurang 1 liter air & biar mendidih.
Masukkan bebola daging & masak sehingga kembang sebelum masukkan rebusan tulang.
Masukkan garam & masak sehingga sebati rasa.
3. Hidangkan ke atas mee yg di celur, nasi himpit & taugeh.
Boleh guna mee kuning atau pun bihun.
Tabur bahan2 tabur ke ats nya.
Nak pedas, tambah sos kicap pedas!

Fresh Passion Fruit Juice from BP to cool us down


  1. wah sedap ni fav kami seisi keluarga kalau mee bakso ni.

  2. KakNoor tayang Soto... Along buat mee Bakso... sama2 buat kuah sup....slurrrrrrp... best nya hirup2 kan....hehe

  3. Tahun tok xda tulang qurban..ada isi daging jak..lain kli boleh try.terluir diat


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