
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Fresh Pistachios

 How many of you in this region have seen fresh pistachios, hands up! For me, this is my very first time...! My kind and thoughtful friend sent some to his wife all the way from Iran and she shared some with me.... I felt very touched by their thought although I have always been busy and not making much contact with some friends... Thanks so much for the kind thought!

 I couldn't guess what that is initially until I peel off the soft outer skin which is pink layer like flower bud.... then it reveals the hard shell of pistachios that we typically seen. However, the hard shell is not as hard as those roasted. The nut inside tastes raw but I like it very much. My friend suggests that I roast it first but I just like it as is.... tastes so fresh and creamy. Since it is so rare, I shared a pinch each with some close friends in the office.

 Pertama kali merasa kacang pistachios yang fresh, masih berkulit dan mentah.... segar dari Iran, kiriman dari sahabat yang baik hati. Teruja sangat bila dapat ni sebab tak pernah seumur hidup jumpa pistachios yg segar. Kulit luar nya berwarna pink dan lembut seperti kuntuman bunga. Bila di kopek kulit lembut tu baru lah terserlah kulit pistachios yg keras seperti selalu di jual tetapi kulit keras tu tidak sekeras kayu seperti yg dijual kering, mudah aja nak kopek untuk keluarkan isinya yang lemak. Kawan Along sarankan Along panggang tapi Along suka makan yang mentah ni, lemak2 & segar. Along share dgn beberapa kawan rapat di pejabat dapatlah seorang sejemput.... sharing is caring....hehe!

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