
Friday, October 10, 2014

Hari Raya Aidil Adha 2014

 I had wonderful Idh Adha this year with all my sons were gathered in Miri... last year we missed AlongRiz & AngahRuz... this year we flew AngahRuz & UsuRaz back home for a couple of days specially for the Idh to make sure we have a complete gathering.

We had a simple celebration but what matters we are all gathered for the special day and probably the last Idh in Miri. As usual, we started the day at the mosque at 7am, headed home for Idh breakfast, forgiveness & hugging session and family photographing. In the afternoon we went to visit my husband's relatives and ended the day with some rests whilst the boys went out to meet their friends.

Below were the menu that I managed to prepare.... Luckily the Idh fell on Sunday so I had the Saturday to do some marketing and simple baking.

Idh breakfast table for six

1. Ketupat Daun Kelapa
.... something that I must have every Idh.... this year I didn't manage to weave the ketupat cases myself because too many other priorities... Hubby and the boys helped to fill the cases with glutinous rice and that was a big help whilst I was preparing the rendang and other menu.

2. Rendang Pedas Kunyit Ayam
.... to accompany the ketupat... this rendang version is my family's favourite... happy to see how the family enjoying it!

3. Rendang Hitam Daging Emak
.... imported from Taiping.... terasa sangat kasih ibuku....

4. Laksa Sarawak
Made this a day before Idh on UsuRaz's request

5. Mee Bakso Tulang
Ini menu dinner raya.... digandingkan dengan sos kicap cili pedas.... walaaaaaa....

6. Black Cheery Cheesecake
... specially for AngahRuz.... Happy tengok Angah enjoying it so much....

7. Others:
a. Nasi Himpit & Kuah Kacang
b. Teh susu

Dah lama Liana tak interprem kat blog ni.... dah besar anak dara mama ni & pandai bergaya.... tup... tup... Liana dah 5 tahun & sekolah tadika tahun dua.

1 comment:

  1. Asslmkum along...meriah menu..ada ketupat gik ya..huawaaaa...siney nk carik daun kei molah ketupat tok..rindunya nk makan ketupat pulut.


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