
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Gear Box Red Soup (Sup Merah Gear Box)

 I never bought gear box before but hubby brought home several pieces from the recent Qurban... There were plenty of meats around it and I love the meat which are tough with tendons. After pressure cooked, it was still springy but soft for bites and  taste really awesome! Try this recipe and it is really fabulous if you want hot spicy type of soup!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Mamasya
Original recipe slightly modified, retyped and English translation by HomeKreation
Few pieces Gear Box bones + some other bone parts
1 Lemongrass - bruised 
1 tsp Black Pepper Corns*
5 Shallots*
2 cloves Garlic*
1 Big Onion*
1" Ginger*
2 slices Galangal* (* blend)
3 tbsp Chili Paste
Mixed Spices - Cardamon, Star Anise, Cinnamon, Cloves
2 Tomato - chopped 
3 Potato - cut 
1 Carrot - cut 
Garnishes - Fried Shallots, Spring Onions, Chinese Celeries

1. Boil bones with enough water, lemongrass & 1 tbsp salt for few hours until meat is tender (I pressure cooked in Noxxa for 90 minutes).
2. Heat up a scoop of oil & stir-fry blended ingredients*, mixed spices, chili paste until fragrant.
3. Add in 1-2 cups of water and chopped tomato & let it boil.
Add in potatoes, carrot & let it until half cooked.
Add in bones & stock and cook until potatoes are done.
Balance the salt.
4. Serve with garnishes and enjoy on its own or with white rice.

First time Along masak sup gear box.... tak pernah beli selama ni sebab takut tengok tulang ketoi yg berbongkah. Raya Qurban baru ni hubby bawa balik tulang gear box.... terkejut tengok sebab tak pernah dapat dari masjid sebelum ni. Along pun google dan nampak Mamasya buat ni berkali2 dah, so mestilah sedap kan.... lagi pun gang2 blogger kita memang semua terror masak. Bila dah cuba.... ya rabbi.... sedap ya amat.... Amat berlainan dari sup biasa sebab rasa pedas dan tomato yg hancur sebati dgn kuah nya tu.... Hubby makan beria2 malam tu! Terima-kasih Mamasya dan tuanpunya resepi asal atas perkongsian resepi yg mabeles!

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: Mamasya
(Resipi di taip semula & ubahsuai sedikit)
Beberapa ketul Gear Box + Tulang bahagian lain
1 btg Serai - ketuk (Along tambah) 
1 st Lada Hitam Biji* (Along tambah) 
5 ulas Bwg Merah*
2 ulas Bwg Putih*
1 labu Bwg Besar*
1" Halia*
2 hiris Lengkuas* (* blend) 
3 sb Cili Pes

Rempah Tumis - Pelaga, Bg lawang, Kulit kayu Manis, Cengkih
2 bj Buah Tomato - cincang 
3 bj Kentang - potong 
1 btg Karot - potong dadu besar 
Bahan Tabur - Bwg Goreng, Daun Sup/Bwg

1. Rebus tulang dgn air yg cukup utk tenggelamkan tulang, serai & 1 sb garam selama beberapa jam sehingga daging nya empuk (Along high pressure dgn periuk Noxxa selama sejam setengah).
2. Panaskan sesenduk minyak & tumis rempah tumis, bahan2 blend*, cili pes sehingga wangi.
3. Masukkan lebih kurang 1-2 cwn air & tomato & didihkan.
Masukkan kentang & karot & masak sehingga separuh empuk.
Masukkan tulang & air rebusan.
Masak sehingga kentang empuk & imbangkan rasa garam nya.
4. Hidangkan dgn taburan bawang goreng & daun bwg/sup.
Sedap di makan begitu sahaja atau dgn nasi putih.

1 comment:

  1. kita paling suka yang ini...tapi tak daya (malas) nak masak...he he...nak beli pulak...susah jumpa.


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