
Monday, October 20, 2014

Roti Puri

 Liana requested for chicken curry.... and therefore I made this Indian bread to go along the curry served for breakfast. Everyone enjoyed the tasty Chicken Curry for the Puri breads dipping.... It is very easy to make this Roti Puri which dough does not need any levening ingredients and yet it puffs up so beautifully. Enjoy it right away soon after fried for crispy and soft texture... It gets little bit tougher when cold but still ok when dipped into sufficient gravy.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Azlita@MasamManis
Recipe retyped and translated into English by HomeKreation
Makes 12
2 cups Flour
1 tsp Salt
150ml Water
1 tsp Ghee / Veg oil

1. Mix flour & salt.
Pour in water gradually while mixing & knead until non-sticky to touch.
Knead in ghee/oil until soft.
2. Cover with cloth and let it rest 20 minutes.
3. Divide into 12 small balls.
Flatten each into a circle.
4. Heat up oil for deep fry.
Deep fry each dough until puff up, flipping few times and until golden spots on surface.
5. Serve with your favourite curry.

Senang dan cepat jer nak sediakan Roti puri ni.... Tak payah nak perap lama2 sebab tak letak apa2 bahan penaik pun. Hasilnya tetap menggelembung bila di goreng.... makan panas2 rangup di luar... cicah pula dengan kari ayam (Liana minta mama masakkan kari).... mmmm sedap nya sarapan... semua seisi keluarga syok makan! TQ Azlita & tuan asal yang kongsikan resepi nya.

Along guna minyak sapi.... roti nya lebih harum & lemak.... Along suka bau roti nya.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: Azlita@MasamManis
Along taip semula untuk mudah rujuk sendiri
Hasil: 12 biji
2 cwn Tepung Gandum
1 st Garam
150ml Air
1 st Minyak Sapi / Minyak Jagung

1.  Campurkan tepung & garam.
Masukkan air sedikit2 sambil di gaul & uli sehingga tidak melekat.
Letakkan minyak & uli sehingga lembut.
2. Tutup dgn kain & perap 20 minit.
3. Bahagi doh kpd 12 bahagian & bulatkan.
Canai setiap satu sehingga leper.
4. Goreng dalam minyak yang banyak & telah dipanaskan dahulu.
Balik2an sehingga menggelembung.
Angkat apabila warna keperangan.
5. Hidangkan dgn kuah kari.


  1. bentuk kembung2 dan mengerutu mcm cantiklah pulak..otomatik signal kt otak bg tau cam sedap ini...hehehe


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