
Monday, October 20, 2014

Sticky Orange Cake

 This is a dump cake.... throw all ingredients to a bowl & zapppp into batter all at once! Such a lovely light cake.... I cannot believe the outcome with such dumping method! Even after pouring the orange juice on the hot cake, it remains light & fluffy, moistened with nice orange aroma. One thing is a bit sweet despite I already reduce the amount of sugar in the syrup and can still reduce the sugar a bit more if the orange is already sweet.... I brought the cake to the office as the oranges were from our office fruit basket.... it was all gone so quickly...

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: SuzieWong@Nigella
I made double portion with slight amendment and retyped the recipe to produce 1 bundt
350g Self-raising Flour
350g Caster Sugar
350g Butter
10 tbsp Milk
4 medium Eggs
2 large Oranges - grate rind & squeeze juice
100g Sugar - for topping

1. Place flour, sugar, butter, milk, eggs and orange rind into a large mixing bowl.
Whisk with an electric mixer until all ingredients are incorporated.
2. Pour into pan and bake for 45 minutes until cooked.
3. 10 mins before end of baking time, heat together topping sugar and orange juice in a small saucepan.
4. Remove cake from oven and make some holes on top with a skewer.
Pour orange juice mixture onto the cake.

Leave cake in the pan until cold before invert (I left mine overnight).

 Senang sangat nak buat kek ni... orang yg tak pernah buat kek pun boleh buat.... campak jer semua bahan2 ke dalam mangkuk sekali gus baru di pukul semua nya sekali sehingga kembang. Hasil nya amat mengagumkan.... kek yang gebu dan ringan... aroma oren yang kuat harum.... cuma sedikit manis walaupun Along dah kurangkan gula nya.... bolehlah di kurangkan lagi jika suka. Bawa kek ke opis.... abis licin sekelip mata!

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: SuzieWong@Nigella
Aleh bahasa ke BM oleh HomeKreation
Resepi di bawah ni Along dah dua kali gandakan dari yg asal
350g Tepung Naik Sendiri
350g Gula Kastor
350g Butter
10 sb Susu Cair
4 bj Telur
2 bj besar Oren - parut kulit nya & perah jus
100g Gula - utk topping

1. Letak tepung, gula, butter, susu, telur & parutan oren ke dlm mangkuk.
Pukul dgn whisker sehingga sebati.
2. Tuang ke dlm acuan & bakar 45minit sehingga masak.
3. 10 minit sebelum cake masak, panaskan gula & jus oren sehingga sebati.
4. Keluarkan kek dari oven & cucuk2 kek dgn lidi.
Tuangkan rata jus oren ke atas kek.
Biarkan kek di dalam tin sehingga sejuk sebelum di keluarkan (Along biarkan semalaman).


  1. salam singgah
    kek yg paling senang adalah kek mcm ni.. hiii suka sangat.. kaki lembu tu dia lain sikit rasa nya dari kaki ayam tu.. kena cuba baru tau...

  2. kaknoor dah lama nk buat tapi smpai skrg belum ada waktu lagi esuk lusa nak buat jugak ni


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