
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Tart Tekan (Pineapple Tarts)

 Not many people dislike Pineapple Tarts in this region..... agree? It is synonym for all festive season in Malaysia irrespective of races and celebrations. So do my families.... hubby & all my children love it and it always the first cookies to clear every time I made it for festive celebration. This time I made a small batch just for our family consumption and gave away little bit to some friends.

There are varieties of shapes but commonly with pineapple jam filling. This time I made them into tiny square pieces with crispy pastry. I added some ghee to the dough for richer and fragrant pastry.... whilst the margarine stabilises the dough and yields crispy effect.... awesome!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Yields: > 50 pcs
60g Ghee
40g Butter
100g Margarine
50g Icing Sugar
1 Egg Yolk
270g Flour
30g Cornflour
25g Milk Powder
1 Egg - slightly beaten for glaze 

1. Beat ghee, butter, margarine and sugar until smooth.
Mix in egg yolk, flour, cornflour, milk powder and form dough.
2. Divide into small balls and fill with pineapple jam.
3. Press each ball of filled dough into a tiny mould to create pattern.
Unmold & arrange on baking tray.
Brush surface with egg yolk.
4. Bake 150C for 30 minutes or until cooked.
5. Cool cookies and keep in an airtight container.

1 large Ripe Pineapple - grate & measure into 5 cups
2 cups Sugar
1 Pandan Leaf 

- Cook above small fire until thickened. This may take few hours.

Tart Tekan ni lebih mudah nak buat di bandingkan dengan Tart Rolls seperti yg Along buat sebelum ni. Along dapat idea nak buat bentuk camni selepas makan tart nenas yg kawan beli dari Taiwan.... pastry nya rangup sangat & Along pun teruja nak buat sendiri.... Along tambahkan minyak sapi untuk dapatkan pastri yg lemak harum dan juga majerin supaya pastri lebih rangup... berbeda dgn tart roll yg pastri nya lebih gebu. Along buat satu portion jer kali ni sebab buat kerja sorang2 tak larat nak gentel banyak2.... dapat juga kasi kawan2 merasa sorang sikit... ikut rezeki siapa yg langkah kanan lah kan..... hehee.... Kawan2 lain yg tak merasa tu , tunggu lah next round pula ya.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Hasil: > 50 pcs
60g Minyak Sapi
40g Butter
100g Majerin
50g Gula Aising
1 bj Kuning Telur
270g Tepung Gandum
30g Tepung Jagung
25g Susu Serbuk
1 bj Telur - pukul sedikit utk sapuan 

1. Pukul minyak sapi, butter, majerin & gula sehingga sebati.
Masukkan kuning telur, tepung & susu sehingga sebati.
2. Bahagikan ketulan2 kecil sebesar guli & isikan dgn inti jem nenas.
3. Tekan setiap ketul doh yg berisi jem ke dlm acuan berpattern.
Ketuk keluar acuan & sapu dgn kuning telur.
4. Bakar 150C selama 30 minit atau sehingga masak.
5. Sejukkan tart sebelum di simpan dlm bekas kedap udara.

1 biji Nenas ranum yg bersaiz Besar - sagat & sukat 5 cawan
2 cwn Gula
1 helai Daun Pandan
- Masak di atas api yg kecil sehingga pekat. Ini mengambil masa beberapa jam tau.

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