
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Blue Ombre Frozen Cake for Liana's 6th Birthday (Kek Mentega Ombre Biru)

 Since Liana's birthday fell on Suday this year, I decided to make her birthday cake myself.... with her chosen theme Frozen cake. The fun part of making the birthday cake myself was a chance for Liana to joint the whole process and that made her felt so special as part of the beautiful outcome (as she claimed it... but of course it was far inferior than the shop-made quality especially I never attended any cake decoration class before).

It was made in such a rush after returning from business trip and only had a day to shop for the ingredients. I had no clear idea how to decorate it but once it started the idea just spurted out. I preferred butter cake over sponge cake which is richer in taste and to match the theme, I made it into Blue Ombre Cake. As for the icing, I used White Chocolate Butter Cream which I just did by trial and error but turned out tasty! I used fresh cream to sandwich the cake layers and piped some on the edge of the cake for white touch and snowy look... To add some sparks, I sprinkled some diamond powder and blue crystals and that made it a bit more 'professional'.... hahaaa... Overall I felt happy with it! My very own made cake is my way to show my special love to my little princess...

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Yields: 3 x 9" round tin
227g Unsalted Butter
2 cups Sugar
4 large Eggs
2¾ cups Superfine Flour*
3 tsp Baking Powder* (* sift together)
1 cup Milk**
1 tsp Vanilla** (** mix together)
1 cup Fresh Cream - whisk until soft peak

1. Cream butter and sugar until smooth.
Add in egg one by one, mix well before each addition.
Add in flour mixture* alternating with milk mixture** until well mixed.
2. Divide batter into three equal parts.
Color one portion with royal blue, another portion with light blue and leave the other plain.
3. Bake each portion for 20 minutes or until cooked.
Cool on wire rack before start decorating.
4. Sandwich the three layers with whisked fresh cream.
Cover all around the cake with thin layers of fresh cream.
Chill for an hour or overnight.
5. Cover the whole cake with White Chocolate Butter Cream and decorate as you wish.

(Actually I spread a thin layer of blue white chocolate on the cake top before the printer topper to protect it from moist so that it doesn't smudge but I think is not necessary & will skip this step next round).
I used 8.5" circle of readily printed topper and cup cake toppers for the side of the cake.
Pipe some fresh cream alternating with butter cream for some snowy look.
Sprinkle some diamond powder and blue crystals for sparkling effect.

100g Butter
100g Veg Shortening
150g Icing Sugar
100g White Chocolate - melt
- Beat butter, veg shortening and icing sugar until smooth.
- Fold in melted chocolate.
- Color as you wish.
- Use immediately.

Tahun ni berkobar2 nak buat sendiri kek birthday Liana sbb birthday dia jatuh hari minggu. Liana pon sama2 berkobar nak tolong dan excited sangat dapat buat sama2 dgn mama dia. Setiap step dia dah terjerit2 gembira.... dari mula mewarnakan kek, terhidu harum aroma kek butter dari oven, melapis kek, menyalut butter cream sehingga lah langkah terakhir menghias kek kedengaran suara riang Liana melihat hasil yg dia sama2 buat dgn mama.... inilah kepuasan yg tidak ternilai apabila kek yg di buat sendiri walaupun tak secantik spt yg di beli dari kedai. Semuga ruangan ini akan kekal sebagai kenangan Liana apabila dia dewasa nanti.

Along pilih kek butter sebab rasa nya lebih sedap dari kek sponge. Liana pilih thema Frozen, jadi Along warnakan kek nya biru supaya lebih ceria. Untuk aising nya, Along rekakan resepi White Ccocolate Butter Cream yg sedap sbb rasa coklat buatkan ia tak muak.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Hasil: 3 x 9" tin bulat
227g Mentega tanpa garam
2 cwn Gula
4 bj telur gred A
2¾ cwn Tepung Superfine*
3 st Baking Powder* (* ayak sekali)
1 cwn Susu**
1 st Vanilla** (** campur)
1 cwn Fresh Cream - pukul sehingga kental
1. Pukul mentega & gula sehingga kembang.
Masukkan telur satu persatu sambil di pukul sebati setiap satu.
Masukkan campuran tepung* berselang-seli dgn campuran susu** sehingga habis.
2. Bahagikan adunan kpd 3 bahagian.
Warnakan satu bahagian biru terang, biru muda dan kosong.
3. Bakar setiap satu selama 20 min atau sehingga masak.
Sejukkan sebelum di hias.
4. Lapiskan setiap kek dgn fresh cream.
Sapu keliling kek dgn fresh cream dgn lapisan nipis.
Sejukkan selama sejam atau semalaman.
5. Sapu White Chocolate Butter Cream keliling kek dan hiasi mengikut cara anda.
(Along letak coklat putih yg di cairkan & warnakan biru di atas kek sebelum letak printed topper supaya topper tu tak mengembang tapi step ni tak pelu dan boleh skip next time).

Along guna topper saiz 8.5" bulat dan cupcake topper di keliling nya.
Paip sedikit fresh cream untuk thema salji.
Taburkan serbuk belian dan crystal biru untuk menambah seri.

100g Butter
100g Veg Shortening
150g Gula Aising
100g Coklat Putih - cairkan
- Pukul butter, veg shortening & gula aising sehingga rata.
- Masukkan coklat putih dan gaul sebati.
- Warnakan mengikut pilihan anda.
- Gunakan segera.

Sandwich the 3 layers with fresh cream

Cover the whole cake with thin spread of fresh cream before butter cream

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