
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Kupang Masak Asam Pedas

 You can find fresh oysters from Aeon anytime... alive from the aquarium at reasonable price. However, I must have bought it during small moon as the flesh are not really full in the shells. I tried cooking them in Asam Pedas (hot chili with tamarind juice) and turned out good.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Serves 4 persons
2 kg Oysters (brush the shell to clean it)
Handful of Dried Chilies*
4 Shallots*
4 cloves Garlic*
1 slice Ginger*
1 slice Galangal* (* blend lumat)
3 Lemongrass - bruised
1/2 tbsp Tamarind - squeezed with 1 cup water
Salt, Sugar

1. Heat scoop of oil and stir-fry lemongrass and blended ingredients* until fragrant and oil surfaced.
Add in tamarind juice, add more water if you like, and let it boil.
Add in oysters, cover and cook few minutes until done (do not overcook).
2. Serve with white rice.

Kat Miri kena beli yg frozen sebab tak pernah jumpa yg fresh.... tapi kat KL ni anytime boleh dapatkan yg fresh dgn harga yg berpatutan. Kali ni isi nya tak penuh pulak... agak nya bulan tak mengambang kot waktu beli tu.... hehe. Dah beberapa kali Along beli dan masak Asam Pedas tapi baru ni sempat nak masuk blog.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Hidangan 4 orang
2 kg Kupang (basuh dan berus kulit nya)
Segenggam Cili Kering*
4 ulas Bwg Merah*
4 ulas Bwg Putih*
4 ulas Bwg Putih*
Sehiris Halia*
Sehiris Lengkuas* (* blend lumat)
3 btg Serai - di ketuk
1/2 sb Asam Jawa - perah dgn 1 cwn Air
Garam, Gula

1. Tumis bahan2 blend & serai sehingga wangi & pecah minyak.
Masukkan air asam jawa, air secukup nya, garam & gula; masak sehingga mendidih.
Masukkan kupang, tutup dan masak beberapa minit sehingga masak.
2. Hidangkan dgn nasi putih.

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