
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Baked Lemon Salmon

 I was so successful with the recent Baked Lemon Shrimps which whole family enjoyed so much and therefore the boys suggested I do the same recipe with Salmon. Their food imagination is great as lemon ad salmon matched and blended very well.... it turned out so delicious!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Serves: 4 persons 
1 medium whole Salmon - slash the skin as shown in photo about 1cm deep
100g Butter
1 Lemon - sliced 
Seasonings - garlic salt, pepper, dried corriander, chili flakes
Vegetables - Tomato, Cauliflowers, Carrots

1. Rub salmon with the seasonings.
2. Spread butter evenly in a casserole and arrange lemon slices on top.
Place salmon and vegetables on top of the sliced lemon and sprinkle more herbs.
Spread dollop of butter on the fish.
3. Bake 180C for 20 minutes or until done, do not overcook so that fish remains juicy.
4. Serve with white/butter rice or potato.

Prepared salmon for the oven

Hari tu Along ada kongsikan resepi Baked Lemon Shrimps kan.... hubby dan anak2 kata sedap.... My boys siap kasi idea suruh masak camtu juga tapi guna ikan salmon.... hmmmmm.... pandai gak budak2 ni kalau pasal nak makan sedap....heheee. Tapi memang betul lah.... sedap sesangat.... we all puas-hati dinner malam tu....

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Hidangan: 4 orang
1 ekor Ikan Salmon sederhana besar - kelar2
100g Butter
1 bj Lemon - hiris2
Perasa - garlic salt, serbuk lada hitam, dried corriander, chili flakes
Sayuran - Cauliflower, Tomato, Karot

1. Lumur ikan dengan bahan2 perasa sehingga rata.
2. Sapu butter di dasar casserole dan aturkan hirisan limau.
Letak ikan dan sayuran di atas hirisan limau.
Tabur lagi bahan2 perasa dan tabor ketulan butter atas ikan.
3. Bakar 180C selama 20 minit sehingga masak. Jangan terlebih masak supaya isi ikan tidak terlalu kering.
4. Hidangkan dgn nasi putih/butter atau kentang.


  1. Salam Along.
    Cm pun lama tk blog walking.Baru nk active blk berblogging setelah sekian lama berehat.
    Boleh cuba resipi lemon salmon ni.Anak2 suka salmon

    1. Wsalam CM. Simple nak buat nya tapi surprisingly specially sedap... must try

  2. Replies
    1. Kalau minat ikan salmon pasti suka masakan yg simple ni....

  3. nampak sangat sedap dan healthy kak!

    salam kenal


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