
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Kek Lapis Sisik Ikan (Scale Layered Cake) Again

I made this cake for the joined Idh celebration, organized by the Muslim committee in our apartment, which was on the very last day of Syawal. It was well received by the KL community as layered cake like this is rarely served in the Peninsular. Some people were asking if I can take orders but unfortunately not at the moment.

This is one of my favourite layered cakes and posted many times earlier on. For readers' convenience I've pasted the recipe here again.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Rabiah Amit's book
Previous entries: link1, link2, link3, link4
 Translated into English by HomeKreation
Size: 8" square
10 Egg yolk*
2 Egg white*
250g Castor Sugar*
1 tbsp Ovalette*
75ml chilled Water*
3/4 can Serikaya* (1 can is 300g)
160g Horlicks*
250g Hong Kong Flour
300g Butter
4 tbs Condensed Milk
4 packet of Haw Flakes (size of 50 cents coin)
1. Place all ingredients marked* in a mixer bowl & beat with high speed until fluffy & thick. 
(Tips: The bowl need to be big enough to handle the volume which get doubled up)
Fold in flour gradually until well mixed.
2. In a separate bowl, beat butter & condensed milk until white & fluffy.
Combine into the earlier mixture.
3. Spread 6 tbsp into lined/greased tin & grill until the top is evenly brown.
Take the tin out from oven and press surface with cake presser to ensure even layer.
Repeat for three layers and insert the hawflakes in rows at 45 degrees angle .
Repeat the above process until all batter is used up.
4. Cool cake before slicing.
 I sliced my cake while it was still warm and it cracks slightly at the top.... I just couldn't resist the hot cake slices..... LOL....hahahaaa.... am breaking the rule!

  Ini entri terlewat.... Along buat untuk rumah terbuka yang di anjurkan oleh AJK kondo kita orang kat sini pada hari terakhir Syawal. Sambutan kek2 lapis yang Along hidangkan sangat menggalakkan dan habis licin dan Kek Lapis Sisik Ikan ni ramai yang minat rasa nya.... alhamdulillah.

Kek ni antara yang Along gemar membuat nya dan dah share kat sini beberapa kali dah.... tapi Along letak sekali lagi untuk mudah rujuk pembaca.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: Rabiah Amit's book
Previous entries: link1, link2, link3, link4
Saiz: 8" persegi
10 bj Kuning Telur*
2 bj Putih Telur*
250g Gula Kastor*
1 sb Ovalette*
75ml Air Ais*
3/4 tin Serikaya* (1 tin = 300g)
160g Horlicks*
250g Tepung Hong Kong
300g Butter
4 sb Susu Pekat
4 bungkus Asam Haw Flakes (saiz 50sen)
1. Pukul bahan2 bertanda* dgn kelajuan tinggi sehingga kembang 2x ganda & pekat.
Masukkan tepung & adun rata.
2. Dalam mangkuk yg berasingan, pukul butter & susu pekat sehingga kembang.
Campurkan kedua2 adunan sehingga sebati.
3. Ratakan 6 sb adunan ke dlm tin yg dilapik & di gris.
Grill sehingga keperangan & tekan lapisan supaya rata.
Ulangi bakar selapis-selapis dan cucukkan asam dgn sudut serong setiap tiga lapisan.
Buat sehingga habis adunan.

Sejukkan kek sebelum di hiris.... Along tak sabar nak tunggu sejuk sebab Along memang suka makan kek yang panas2 keluar oven.... tengoklah gambar yang kedua tu merekah atas nya dek sebab ketidak-sabaran.... heheeee tapi syok dapat makan yang panas tu....

Asam yang Along beli kali ni agak tebal dari yang selalu.... kalau boleh cari yang nipis sebab agak mencabar nak mencucuk nya.... cara2 nak cucuk boleh rujuk kat sini ya.


  1. Sisit ikan..suka juak kek tok.tapi asam susah carik.ya malas nk molah.😆

    1. Stok kmk dari Miri.... baru tuk nangga di Aeon banyak.... heheee


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