
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Premix Orange Poppy Seed Muffins

 I have tested many Orange Poppy Seed Muffins and although I have found a couple of very good recipes, I cannot help myself for trying something else. This time I wanted to play with the premix flour out of curiosity... Premix flour is multiple times more expensive than the ordinary plain flour but since the bakery shop is offering 30% off from normal price and therefore selling only RM9.90 instead of RM14.90 (still expensive compared to my ordinary flour of RM2.20/kg), I wanted to test it out to discover what the extra price is offering.....

I then created the Orange Poppy Seed Muffins recipe from the Muffin Vanilla Mix below.... outcome was good with moist and fluffy muffins. So here is my verdict.... based on the price I don't think you get anything 'extra' or special from this premix flour... I still need to add most of the basic ingredients to it like eggs and  fats.... the premix is basically flour plus sugar, raising agents and vanilla flavor with perhaps extra quality in the texture....?? Not sure what is the secret that I paid for but perhaps it is a sure success...? In short I like the outcome but am still complaining the price that I paid for..... Anyway, here I'm sharing the recipe in case some of you interested to try the premix flour.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Yields about 30 muffins x 1.5" cups
333g Muffin Vanilla Mix
2 Eggs (grade A) 
1 Orange - grate rind and squeeze juice about 100ml 
90g Melted Butter / Oil
1 tbsp Blue Poppy Seeds

1. Mix all ingredients, minus poppy seeds and mix briefly using hand-held electric mixer just until they are combined (I did not beat long until 2 mins as per instruction).
Mix in poppy seeds and fold with spatula.
2. Pour into cups, 2/3rd full.
3. Bake at 180C for 15 minutes.

 Along buat muffin ni untuk my sister's open house baru ni.... Sister Along ni suka sangat makan Orange Poppy Seed Muffins ni dari dulu2 lagi. Semenjak Along pindah KL ni dah berapa kali dok buat untuk dia. Kali ni saja gatal nak cuba resipi lain macam pulak.... waktu gi jalan kat baking shop ternampak pulak tepung premix ni.... kedai tu lelong turun harga RM9.90 dari harga asal RM14.90 sebab expiry date dah dekat... masih mahal kan sebab tepung gandum biasa cuma RM2.20 sekilo. Tapi sebabkan perasaan 'curious' nak tau camna istimewa nya tepung premix ni, Along pun beli lah sebungkus dan modify jadi Orange Poppy Seed Muffins.

Nak tau camna jadi nya.... haaaa tengoklah gambo tu.... naik kembung2 gebu dan moist... memang sedap... cuma bila terkenang harga tepung tu kalau RM14.90 sekilo rasa nya tak berbaloi ler kan.... tapi mungkin tepung premix ni sure jadi ke apa ke tu tak tau lah ya. 

Kalau kot2 ada yg teringin nak cuba, ni Along kongsikan resepi nya yang Along hentam2 jer pun jadi gak.... hehee

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Bilangan: ~30 cawan 1.5"
333g Muffin Vanilla Mix
2 bj Telur (gred A) 
1 by Buah Oren - parut kulit luar dan perah jus ~100ml 
90g Mentega Cair atau Minyak
1 sb Biji Poppy

1. Campurkan kesemua bahan2, kecuali biji poppy, dgn mixer sehingga sebati sahaja - tak payah kacau lama.
Masukkan biji poppy dan gaul sebati.
2. Tuangkan ke dlm cawan sehingga 2/3 penuh.
3. Bakar 180C selama 15 minit atau sehingga masak.


  1. mudahnya kalau ada versi premix ni along kan, kerja jadi cepat boleh akak try nnti

    1. Memang elok jer naik nya sis, boleh lah cuba nanti...


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