
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Overnight Oats (Again) - Dates & Figs Topping

 This is our regular breakfast lately.... especially so in order to clear the big packet of rolled oats and to fully utilize my new cute jars! For recipe, please refer to earlier post here. This time I placed honey, dates, figs and ginger biscuits as topping.

Saja2 jer tayang lagi resepi ni.... tambahan dah rasmi botol kaca yg comel2 ni.... Kali ni topping dgn madu, kurma, buah zaitun dan biskut halia.... SEDAP! Kat bawah ni pula gambo Greek Yoghurt bagi yang bertanya atau tak pernah tau. Untuk resipi penuh, boleh lah tengok entri sebelum ni kat link sini ya.

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