
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Bingka Telur Kastad

The women social group of this residence organized morning coffee ala pot-lucks. Since we are all from various nationalities, we were asked to bring our national specialties. Bingka is Malay specialty cake (kuih) so I thought it will be a good idea for this purpose. Coincidently I saw Sue posted the kuih while I was searching for idea... I like the kuih very much and so did the women.... It is easy to adapt to this kuih and in fact it doesn't require any mind twisting at all.... They all love it at first bite!

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: SueNorman
Translated into English by HomeKreation
Size: 9" square
4 Eggs
150g Sugar
180g Flour
50g Custard Powder
1/2 small can Condensed Milk / Sweetened Creamer
400ml Thick Coconut Milk
200ml Milk
100g Melted Butter
Yellow Coloring (I skipped)
200ml Boiling Water

1. Beat egg & sugar, with wooden spoon, until sugar is dissolved.
Add in rest of the ingredients in the above order and stir well each addition.
2. Grease and line tin. Pour in mixture.
3. Bake 180C for 40 minutes using bottom heat and another 10 minutes with top heat.

 Bila Along tengok resepi Sue ni Along dah dapat bayangkan kesedapan nya.... Kebetulan memang nak buat bingka untuk bawa gi pot-luck. Pepagi lagi dah bangun nak buat kuih ni, nasib sempat juga siapkan untuk sarapan pagi dgn kawan2. Jadi cantik jer kuih ni.... tapi Along lak gatal pi grill 5 minit sebab nak extra garing.... tut2 terhitam pulak..... kikikiiii.... tapi hitam tu yg sedap harum tau!
Kuih ni sedang2 manis bagi Along.... tekstur nya amat lembut.... TQ Sue sharing resepi yg mabeles ni!
By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: SueNorman
Saiz tin: 9" persegi
4 bj Telur
150g Gula Pasir
180g Tepung Gandum
50g Tepung Kastad
1/2 tin kecil Susu Manis
400ml Santan Pekat
200ml Susu Cair
100g Mentega Cair
Pewarna Kuning (Along tak letak)
200ml Air Mendidih
1. Kacau telur & gula dgn senduk kayu sehingga gula hancur.
Masukkan tepung, susu manis dan gaul sebati sambil di masukkan satu persatu.
Masukkan santan, susu dan air panas sambil di kacau.
(Adunan memang cair, jangan tambah tepung lagi tau)
2. Sapu loyang dgn mentega & di lapik kertas.
3. Bakar 180C selama 40 minit api bawah, 10 minit api atas.


  1. Replies
    1. Cuba lah sis... sedap bagi saya, harap2 sedap bagi anda juga...

  2. Bismillah. Alhamdulillah, sya dh cuba..sedap.,trima kaseh ye.,


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