
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Soft Durian Cheesecake II

 This is my second Durian Cheesecake recipe.... This version is lighter than the earlier one and very moist.... the durian touch is not overpowering and well balanced with the cheesecake. Each version has its own selling points depending whether you like the traditional solid or soft cottony cheesecake.

I made it to serve my BFFs from Miri & KL a couple of weeks ago and it was well received. I was too busy entertaining the guests that I didn't really have time to shoot nice photos.... nevertheless, am sharing the recipe herewith...

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Original by: Chef Alan Kok
Source: Kitchen Corner
Size: 8" round (I used 9" round)
1 slice 8" sponge cake (I used digestive + butter + almond flakes)
250g cream cheese
3 egg yolks
150ml fresh milk
150g durian flesh
(pureed) 3 egg whites
60g caster sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 180C.
Line an eight inches round cake tin with grease proof paper and put in a slice of prepared sponge cake.
Greased the side of the pan with butter and coated with bread flour.
2. Beat cream cheese, egg yolks at low speed until well mixed.
Add fresh milk, durian pureed and mix well.
3. In a clean mixing bowl, whisk egg white and caster sugar at high speed until soft peak is formed.
4. Mix egg whites into durian batter in 3 batches.
5. Pour mixture onto sponge cake.
6. Steam bake the cheesecake at 180C for 20 minutes.
Reduce the heat to 140C and bake for another 1 1/2 hours.
Leave cake to cool in the oven with door ajar 1 hour.
Chill in the fridge for overnight. 

Cheesecake Durian yang lembut dan lembab.... Along buat untuk kawan2 yg berziarah dua minggu lepas.... Ada yang makan bertambah.... sedap lah tu... hehee... hubby pun suka kira oklah.... tapi kalau anda memang tak minat durian lain citer lah ya...heheee.

Gambo kurang menarik kali ni.... potongan pun comot jer sebab nak cepat.... tak syoklah kita dok sibuk snap2 depan tetamu, so cincai2 jer lah gambo apa yang sempat.... janji resepi nya kita kongsikan di sini ok... 
By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Original by: Chef Alan Kok
Source: Kitchen Corner
Alih-bahasa BM oleh HomeKreation
Saiz: 8" bulat (Along guna 9" bulat)
1 keping 8" kek span (Along guna biskut digestive + butter + almond flakes)
250g Cream Cheese
3 bj Kuning Telur
150ml Susu Segar
150g Isi Durian
(lumatkan) 3 bj Putih Telur
60g Gula Kastor
1. Panaskan oven 180C.
Lapik tin dgn kertas dan letak kek span.
Minyakkan keliling tin dgn butter & tepung.
2. Pukul cream cheese, kuning telur dgn kelajuan perlahan sehingga sebati.
Masukkan susu, isi durian dan gaul sebati.
3. Dalam mangkuk berasingan, pukul putih telur & gula dgn kelajuan tinggi sehingga bertanduk.
4. Campurkan adunan telur putih ke dlm adunan durian dalam 3 bahagian.
5. Tuangkan ke atas lapisan kek tadi.
6. Steam bake 180C selama 20 minit.
Turunkan suhu kpd 140C dan bakar 1 1/2 jam.
Biarkan kek di dlm oven dgn pintu terbuka selama sejam.
Simpan di dlm petisejuk semalaman.

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