
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Fried Stuffed Bean Curds (Tauhu Sumbat Goreng)

Delicious as side dish with rice or on its own as snack with tea....

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Serves 2 persons / 4 pieces
2 pieces Bean curds
1 tsp Chopped Big Onion
1 cloves Garlic - chopped
1 tsp Chopped Red Chili
1 tbsp Chopped Shrimps
1 tbsp Chopped Chicken
1 tbsp Chopped Turnips
1 tsp Oyster Sauce
Salt & Pepper
1 Egg

1. Deep fry the bean curds until skin slightly brown.
Cut each into triangles and cut a slit on the longest edge.
Carefully, spoon out the inner part, making hole for stuffing later.
Keep the inside of the bean curd that been spooned out.
2. Heat up 1 tbsp oil & stir-fry onion, garlic and chili until softened.
Add in chopped shrimps, chicken, turnips and the spooned bean curd.
Add in oyster sauce, salt & pepper.
3. Lightly beat egg, salt & pepper with fork.
4. Dip the stuffed bean curd in beaten egg and deep fry until lightly browned on all sides.
5. Serve with rice or enjoy dipped in chili sauce with tea.

Boleh di nikmati pada bila2 masa, cicah dengan sos cili atau pun sebagai lauk bersama nasi.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Hidangan untuk 2 orang / 4 ketul
2 ketul Tauhu
1 st Bwg Besar Cincang
1 ulas Bwg Putih Cincang
1 st Cili Merah Cincang
1 sb Udang Cincang
1 sb Ayam Cincang
1 sb Sengkuang Cincang
1 st Sos Tiram
Garam & Serbuk Lada
1 bj Telur

1. Goreng tauhu dgn minyak dalam sehingga sedikit garing di luar nya.
Potong setiap ketul kpd 2 bahagian berbentuk segi tiga.
Hati2 hiris di bahagian tengah dan korek isi tauhu.
2. Panaskan 1 sb minyak dan tumis bawang & cili sehingga layu.
Masukkan udang, ayam, sengkuang & isi tauhu.
Masukkan sos tiram, garam & serbuk lada.
3. Kocok telur, garam, lada dgn garfu dan celup tauhu sumbat.
4. Goreng tauhu dgn minyak dalam sehingga garing.
5. Hidangkan dgn sos cili sebagai snek atau sebagai lauk sampingan dgn nasi.


  1. Good day to you Roz, this is Chooi Sean from EnviroHome. Please be informed that we would like to invite you for a product review, just wondering if its possible to have your email address so that i can send you the details. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

    1. Hi Chooi Sean. TQ for your interest. I rarely open my email, if possible can you message me at my facebook - see my fb badge on the right.


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