
Friday, September 4, 2015

Three-Ingredient Japanese Cotton Cheesecake

The SoufflĂ© Cheesecake, also known as a Japanese Cotton Cheesecake, is made herewith using only three ingredients - eggs, white chocolate and cream cheese. It is prepared in 5 minutes and ready in less than an hour! It is so simple that it has over four million viewers in YouTube and attracted the professional chefs and bloggers in Western countries to try the recipe. While some failed miserably on their trials and condemn Ochikeron for her 'scrambled egg taste cake' (amongst others are the BST from The Telegraph and Mail Online), I am so thrilled that mine is successful and thankful to Ochikeron on her brilliant recipe. The trick is you must follow all her instruction carefully and you will get fluffy and spongy yet moist cheesecake... mine did not shrink nor crack... it tastes perfectly with moderate sweetness and all well balanced taste and texture.

In fact I made mine twice in one day... I made it in the weekend for my sister... the first round was chomped and cleared immediately that I rushed to make the second one and that one was also cleared! It tastes so much better than the Japanese Cotton Cheesecake from the bakery, especially your own is fresh from the oven! It is nice to serve when warmed.

In the second one, I put in extra 50g extra cream cheese in order to clear all the balance... it did not affect the outcome but produces slightly denser and creamier in taste. The photos I've posted here are all from the second attempt. My first attempt has more and bigger holes, lighter and fluffier but didn't manage to snap a good photo once it get ambushed....LOL.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: YouTube (the video is embedded below)
Size: 6" round
3 Eggs
120g White Chocolate - broken into pieces
120g Cream Cheese - softened

1. Preheat oven to 170C.
2. Melt the chocolate in a double-boiler.
Add the cream cheese and melt them together.
Remove from heat, add in egg yolks and mix well.
3. Whip egg whites with an electric mixer until firm peaks form.
4. Add 1/3 of the egg whites into the cream cheese mixture and blend well with a spatula.
Then add the rest of the meringue 1/2 at a time and mix well.
5. Rub some oil/butter on parchment paper to prevent cracking.
Line the round cake pan with the parchment paper.
Pour the batter into the pan and drop the pan lightly on the counter to raise the air bubbles out of the batter.
6. Place the cake pan on a baking sheet. Pour some hot water into the baking sheet.
Bake at 170C (338F) for 15 minutes, 160C (320F) for 15 minutes, then stop the heat and bake with the remaining heat for 15 minutes.
7. When it is done, place the cake pan on a wire rack to cool completely. Brush with apricot jam syrup, add whipped cream and/or dust with powdered sugar if desired.

Watch Ochikeron's video below for more details:

Teruja sangat dengan resipi yang menggunakan hanya tiga bahan ni..... amat mudah nak buat nya pun tak sampai sejam dah boleh siap. Rasa nya pun amat sedap.... malah lebih sedap dari yang beli dari kedai... manis nya sederhana sebab tak letak gula dan manisan dari coklat putih sahaja. Kek nya lembab walaupun amat ringan dan berlubang2 seperti span.

Resepi ni amat popular di YouTube (4.5 juta view) sehingga menarik ramai pemberita2 barat melapurkan nya.... ada media barat yang mencuba tapi condemn lak bila tak menjadi.... Alhamdulillah, Along berjaya membuat nya... kek tak merekah atau mengecut atau bantat seperti yang di tuduh oleh pihak media barat. Kek orang Asia ni memang lah depa tak biasa buat lepas tu kata Cik Ochikeron pakai baju bunga2 cantik sebab tu kek pun nampak cantik walaupun tak cantik... ada ke patut pihak media professional seperti The Telegraph dan Mail Online buat lapuran camtu... kalau duit banyak sangat jemput ler Cik Ochikeron tu buat show kat tv dan rasa sendiri kek tu.... betul tak?

Nak buat kek ni, Along sarankan anda lihat video kat atas tu dulu... ikut segala arahan dan tips yang di berikan kalau nak dapat kek yang cantik gebu.... Kalau tak jadi jangan salahkan orang yang berkongsi....

Grease and line tin with paper

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: YouTube (video asal ada Along letak kat atas)
Alih-bahasa oleh HomeKreation
Saiz: 6" round
3 bj Telur
120g Coklat Putih - patah2kan
120g Cream Cheese - lembutkan pada suhu bilik

1. Panaskan oven 170C.
2. Cairkan coklat dalam double-boiler.
Masukkan cream cheese dan cairkan sekali.
Angkat dari double-boiler, masukkan kuning telur dan gaul sebati.
3. Pukul putih telur sehingga bertanduk.
4. Masukkan 1/3 putih telur ke dlm adunan cream cheese dan gaul dgn senduk sehingga sebati.
Masukkan 1/2 baki putih telur dan akhirnya baki selebih nya.
5. Sapu minyak / mentega ke atas kertas pelapik supaya kek tidak merekah .Tengok gambo tin yg Along buat.
Tuangkan adunan ke dlm tin yg di lapik kertas tadi dan di hentak2 sedikit supaya tiada angin berlebihan.
6. Letakkan tin kek ke dalam dulang yg berisi air panas.
Bakar 170C selama 15 minit, 160C selama 15 minit, off dan biarkan di dlm oven 15 minit.
7. Sejukkan kek & sapu jem aprikot, krim atau ayakkan gula aising (Along tak buat).

Sedikit tips dari AlongRoz....
1. Hati2 bila cairkan coklat putih, air jangan terlalu banyak dan pastikan api kecil, takut nanti coklat rosak & mengeras.
2. Jangan campurkan telur sewaktu adunan cheese masih panas, nanti telur tak berfungsi untuk menaikkan kek
3. Pastikan putih telur di pukul sehingga kental & tidak berair. Campurkan ke dlm adunan cheese sehingga rata.
4. Kertas mesti di minyakkan seperti yg di tunjukkan dlm video... Along spray dgn baking oil. Ini supaya kek tak terlebih mengembang dan mengecut apabila sejuk.

Tengoklah betapa gebu berlubang2 cheesecake Along ni.....hehee


  1. Perkongsian yg bagus. Cuma saya ni penakut. Bila baking tray dibubuh air dlm oven untuk membakar kek saya berimaginais yg oven itu akan meletup. huhuhu. almaklumlah tak pernah pergi kursus caraguna oven. heee.. malunya

    1. Bila kita letak air panas dalam oven, ia akan seimbangkan suhu... kek ni mudah mengembang & mengecut, jadi bila letak steam bath ia akan perlahankan proses pemanasan dan kek tak mengejut mengembang so takkan mengecut bila keluarkan dari oven.... makna nya suhu oven akan turun seimbang apabila letak air panas dan takkan meletup.

  2. Kalau nak buat utk loyang 8 inci...berapa banyak bahan perlu tambah...

    1. Tu Along lum test... tak berani nak buat double takut tak jadi...

  3. Kalau nak buat utk loyang 8 inci...berapa banyak bahan perlu tambah...

  4. boleh try ni along sbb sikit je bahan kan semua bahan dah ada ni tunggu mood rajin je lagi

    1. Kena buat cepat Noor sebelum mood hilang.... jap jer geduk2.... hehee

  5. Replies
    1. Mudah jer sis tapi kena hati2 ikut semua step yg di beri.


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