
Friday, November 30, 2018


As promised, I'm sharing the caramel icing recipe that I made in the last entry. Apology for not having specific photo of the caramel... try it yourself and hopefully the recipe below will help you to obtain nice deep color and tasty caramel.

Delicious topping/filling for butter cake and most recommended for those who dislike butter or other sweet toppings. See here for Butter Cake recipe that I made earlier.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: link
3/4 cup    Sugar
1/4 cup    Boiling water
1 cup       Evaporated milk
1/2 cup    Fresh milk
3 large     Egg yolks
3 tbsp      Cornstarch
1/4 cup    Butter
1 tsp       Vanilla extract

1. Allow sugar to cook in a small saucepan over medium heat, swirling pan, until golden.
Add boiling water carefully, simmer until sugar is melted.
Add evaporated milk. Cook, whisking, until mixture boils.
2.  Combine fresh milk, yolks, and cornstarch in a bowl.
Whisk in some of the hot caramel to temper yolks.
Pour yolk mixture back into caramel.
Whisk on low heat until thick.
3.  Remove from heat. Add butter and vanilla.
Stir until butter is melted and mixture has some sheen.
Strain icing if you see lumps.
4.  Gradually pour caramel icing onto the center of the cake.
Let icing drip down the sides. Gently shake rack to distribute icing. Use an offset spatula to even it out.
Allow to set for 30 minutes in the refrigerator before decorating.



Assalamualaikum pembaca2 semua. Maaf ya lambat update resipi yg di minta ni. Di harap anda mencuba resipi ini.... topping yg sedap, kurang manis dan tak muak. Amat sedap di gandingkan dgn butter kek. Untuk resepi Kek butter, sila lihat di sini. Kalau dah cuba beri feedback nanti ya.

Source: link
3/4 cwn Gula
1/4 cwn Air Panas
cwn Susu Evaporated
1/2 cwn Susu Segar
3 bj Telur Kuning
3 sb Tpg Jagung
1/4 cwn Butter
1 st Esen Vanilla

1. Cairkan gula dlm periuk. Goyang2kan periuk utk masak rata sehingga gula keperangan.
Masukkan air panas dgn hati2 & masak sehingga gula cair.
Masukkan sus evaporated dan masak sehingga mendidih.
2. Satukan susu segar, telur kuning & tpg jagung di dlm mangkuk.
Masukkan sesenduk caramel dan gaul rata.
Tuangkan kesemua adunan ke dlm periuk karamel dan masak dgn api perlahan, sambil di kacau, sehingga pekat.
3. Padamkan api, masukkan butter dan kacau sehingga berkilat.
4. Tuangkan ke atas kek dan ratakan.
Sejukkan dlm petisejuk 30 minit sebelum di hias.

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