
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Bingka Kacang Hijau Kukus

 I had been craving for this Malay kuih and made it many times in the past using the recipe in here, which is my favourite recipe. I just don't need to try other recipe because it is very good already for my taste bud. However, I cannot stop the curiosity in me to try this other recipe that calls for tapioca flour... I imagined it must be chewy and sticky... The outcome was really surprising and I'm so glad that I did try it. The texture is soft and bouncy (just like mochi) and the taste is delicious with lovely aroma of coconut cream. It is gluten free so I could eat on and on without feeling any guilt!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: MyResipi (modified)
Translated into English by HomeKreation
Yields: 8" round
320g boiled Green beans
200g Sugar
180g Tapioca Flour
50g Cornflour
200ml Coconut Cream
7 pcs Screwpine Leaves – blend with water to produce 75ml juice

1. In food processor, blend all ingredients (except green beans) until smooth.
Add in green beans and pulse blend and well mixed.
2. Grease and heat the pan.
3. Pour batter into the tin and steam 45 minutes until done.
4. Cool before slicing.

 Along and hubby suka sangat Bingka Kacang Hijau dan banyak kali dah buat guna resipi yg di kongsikan di sini dulu. Malas dah nak cuba resipi yg lain sebab dah puas hati dgn resepi yg itu. Tapi kan, curious pula nak cuba resepi yg ini sebab ia guna tepung ubi... dok terbayang mesti kenyal2 kan. Bila dah siap masak, tak sabar nak rasa.... aduhai sedap nyaaa.... memang kenyal tapi kenyal2 manja gitu dan tak melekat di jari.... lembut jer tak liat pun. Rasa nya pun cukup rasa lemak, harum kacang hijau dan lemak santan.

Jom kawan2 cuba buat... rugi tau kalau tak rasa.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: MyResipi (Along dah ubahsuai sedikit resepi)
Hasil: 8" bulat
320g Kacang Hijau (yg telah di rebus)
200g Gula
180g Tepung Ubi
50g Tepung Jagung
200ml Santan Pekat (kotak)
7 helai Daun Pandan – blend & hasilkan Pandan Jus 75ml

1. Masukkan kesemua bahan2 ke dalam food processor / blender (kecuali kacang hijau) blend sehingga sebati.
Masukkan kacang hijau & blend sebentar.
2. Masak dgn api kecil sehingga pekat (Along skip step ni).
3. Lenserkan Loyang dgn minyak dan panaskan sebentar.
4. Tuang adunan ke dlm Loyang & kukus 20 minit (Along kukus 45 minit).

5. Sejukkan sebelum di potong.

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