
Monday, June 13, 2011

Red Bean Jelly (Agar-Agar Kacang Merah)

 Another jelly / agar-agar creation of mine to share with everyone. I made it few weeks ago during gathering with friends. My hubby loves anything with red beans and that's how the idea came about. The taste is very nice, rich with read beans taste - my hubby and the guets like it very much.
It has rich red bean topping and creamy jelly at the bottom.....

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Own
1 cup Red Beans
1 packet / 13g Jelly Powder
1 liter Water
240g Sugar
1 can Evaporated Milk
1 tbsp Cornflour
1 Pandan Leaf
Few drops Pink Colour

1. Boil red beans until soften.
Spread 1/2 cup in a mould.
Blend the rest of the beans with milk, cornflour & pink coloring until fine.

2. Mix jelly powder, water, sugar & pandan leaf and boil until dissolved.
Scoop about 1/2 cup and pour onto the red beans laid in the mould.
Pour the blended red beans mixture & boil.

3. Let the red bean layer slightly set before pouring the rest of jelly mixture.
Cool at room temperature & chill before serve.

Satu lagi resepi agar-agar rekaan Along. Buat utk jamuan kawan2 & semua kata sedap. Favourite hubby. Memang kaya dgn rasa kacang merah asli.....

Sumber: AlongRoz
1 cwn Kacang Merah
1 packet / 13g Serbuk Agar-Agar
1 liter Air
240g Gula
1 tin Susu Cair
1 sb Tpg Jagung
1 heai Daun Pandan
Sediki Pewarna Merah Jambu

1. Rebus kacang sehingga empuk.
Ambil 1/2 cwn & ratakan ke dlm acuan.
Blend baki kacang dgn susu, tpg jagung & pewarna sehingga sebati.

2. Letakkan serbuk agar-agar, air, gula & daun pandan ke dlm periuk & masak sehingga hancur.
Sendukkan +/- 1/2 cwn & tuangkan ke atas kcg merah dlm acuan tadi.
Masukkan campuran kcg merah yg di mesin tadi ke dlm agar2 & masak sehingga mendidih.

3. Biarkan lapisan kcg merah tadi mengeras sedikit sebelum di tuangkan masakan agar2.
Biar agar2 sejuk di suhu bilik sebelum di masukkan ke dlm peti sejuk.
Hidangkan sejuk.


  1. Salam along!!! sedapnyer along! mesti makan ni mcm mkn eskrim kacang merah kan ? kita suke sekrim kacang merah! kacang2 merah suke lah dibuat mcm nii nak cuba jugaklah! kita dah buat lompat tikam sagu along tuu mmg nice combination! sedap! nanti sok2 kita n3 :D tenkiu along cayang!

  2. Salam Kak Roz...Baru jeee terfikir2 resipi kacang merah utk abiskan stok lebihan ABC kat rumah ni...Senang2 boleh cuba ni...

  3. Salam Along...apa kabar? Waaaaaaaaaaaaa..panas2 ni Along tayang jelly kacang merah lak...mmg fav akak kacang merah ni tauuu...mst best eh..wat jelly camni...nnt nak kena try gak laa..Along, kacang merah tu guna jek yg dlm tin tu ok tak, terus kisar jek...xyah rebus2..jimat masa Ummi kan...almaklumlah, x berapa ada masa ni..hehe

  4. Salam along,gula berapa gram lak? lupa la tu...

  5. ya la ika..mesti ada rasa seperti ais krim kacang potong tu..sedap:)

  6. suka..kita pun suka kacang merah..kiv resepi ni

  7. Salaam Roz. This recipe is indeed delicious on a warm day. Sedap rasa tekak tu bila makan jelly red bean..

  8. Wat an elegant and beautiful jelly??

  9. sedapnyer...yummy!! nak sikit...

  10. Salam K'Roz,

    I dah buat yesterday this red bean jelly...mmg sedap rasa cam aiskrim kacang merah. But nak tanya the top layer tu nak kene lenyek ke? sbb i just letak aje the beans dalam mould then tuang dgn agar...jdi it looks like mcm red bean tu dlm aquarium (sbb the jelly tu transparent kan)my kids excited though mcm red bean tu berenang2 pulak...hehehe. then rasa mcm 1/2 cawan tu x cukup je utk ratakan dlm mould....

    p/s: dunno why x le sign in my goggle id here...btw nie Maz (MAA)

  11. Maz,
    Along tak lenyek pun top layer tu tapi Along rebus sampai betul2 lembut & kcg pecah2 sedikit. Along tak letak jelly banyak atas kacang topping tu sbb just nak glue the beans together. Maz letak banyak sbb tu lah kcg tu berenang2...hehe.

  12. Salam...
    Saya Ainul,
    Uihh nampak berselera sangat jelly ni...
    Mould untuk jelly ni cantik ar...nak tanya beli kat maner mould ni...

  13. Nampak macam sedap nak cubalah thanks kak roz..jangan lupa singgah kat blog wana yer:ANEKA RESEPI TERKINI

  14. mesti best...boleh try ni, my hubby mesti suka....


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