
Monday, November 8, 2010

Tuna Umai

 If you like Sashimi, I'm sure you will like Umai too. I made this yesterday for lunch after returning from fish market while the fish was still fresh. I was thrilled to find a huge tuna weighted about 20kg and after much persuasion the fishmonger agreed to sell half to me instead of the whole fish and better still, I managed to get the tail end.

Below is the fishmonger was helping me to slice the fish:
I enjoyed it so much that I had two plates of rice....hehe. This was the best umai I ever made becuase the fish was so sweet & the flesh was very soft. It was the fishmonger who gave me the idea to try umai with this tuna.

I've posted Umai recipe earlier on but herewith a slightly different version. You can see the earlier version using different type of fish in here.

Source: HomeKreation
Fresh Tuna Fillet - sliced thinly
2 Red Chillies*
Some Bird-Eye Chillies*
1/2 Big Onion* (*sliced) 
1/2" Ginger - pounded & squeeze juice, discard pulp
4 Kasturi Lime - squeeze juice & slice some
Salt & Sugar

1. Mix tuna fillet with lime juice & let it marinate for a while until whitish liquid emerged.
Squeeze out excess juice.

2. Add in the rest of the ingredients.
Ready to be consumed right away.

3. Serve as an appetiser or with rice.


  1. belum pernah makan umai ni... & rasa2nya.. berani mencuba.. hehehe..
    kat kelantan pun ada satu dish yg guna ikan mentah dengan hanya di'masak' dgn jus limau sama mcm umai... dipanggil 'lawa'... pernah buat sekali.. sedap.. tak terasa hanyir pun..

  2. Wahh... Besarnya ikan tuna ni kak... Sebulan tak abis makan ni.. Thanks kak Along sebab susah bagi link ni kat Nur.. Cayanggg akak.. :)


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