
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Durian Isu / Isau from Sarawak

 I'm sure many of you have not seen these types of durian unless you are from the Borneo. There are few types of the untypical durian that I've found. The above red durian is a very rare species and the photo above is shared by a friend from Limbang, I hope she will bring some for me this coming week-end. The one below is deep bright orangy color known as Isu and some call it Isau. The taste is quite distinct from the typical durian but equally stench.

Another type of durian which has orangy vivid color is Ukak but the taste is not similar to either Isu or typical durian. You can see Ukak that I've posted last time here.
 See the color difference compared to the ordinary durian - such a deep vivid orange color. Wait for my next post to see what I create from Isu apart from eating them raw.....! Many thanks to Q for the two packs of durian below!


  1. faa penah tgk durian merah tu dlm Geng Adventure upin ipin..tak taw plak dia wujud..igt rekaan semata-mata...bnyk jenis ya durian ni..unik..

  2. lamak sik diat durian pelik2 tok..hihi..dolok masa kecik2 ada lh diat..diat ajak tpi mkn x pernah kli..flashback lok...ingat kah sik lagik..hoho

  3. I heard of it tapi tak pernah tengok secara live. Such a nice color kan, so lucky la u guys.

  4. beh nyer... tak sabar nak tgk spa yg dah dibuat tuu...!!

  5. fes time zila tgk red ya..camne rasa nya kak..

  6. yg warna merah tu kalau jadikan inti crepes pasti cun kan along...

  7. Salam Kak..Durian yang kaler merah tu, camne rasa dia yaa? sama tak ngan rasa durian biasa tu?

  8. kalau di sabah kita panggil durian merah. selalunya orang tumis dengan bawang dll kemudian dimakan dengan nasik. kalau makan terus macam tu takde rasa manis@masam pun cuma ada rasa lemak2 gitu.

  9. salam along..amboi sedapnya durian isi warna merah..tak pernah jumpa dan makan ni..untunglah kamu dah merasa


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