
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Apple Strudels (Again)

 This was last week end project that was specially made for AngahRuz before he returned to KL. It was baked just in time, 10 minutes before he left for airport.... he had to blow each spoon to cool it down before able to bite...LOL.... wished I had ice-cream to topple but unfortunately it was a rush job after a last minute thought... Afterall, I'm glad my love one had his favourite bite before I see him again in next semester break.

Recipe was posted earlier here with step by step illustrations were included.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Murdoch book
Makes 2 big Strudels
2 sheets Puff pastry
4 Fuji Apples - peeled & sliced
30g Butter
1 tbsp Honey
1/8 cup Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Raisins
1/4 cup Ground Almonds / Hazelnuts - this time I skipped this
1 Egg - lightly beaten
2 tbsp Brown Sugar + 1 tsp Cinnamon

1. Heat butter & cook apples for about 2 minutes.
Add in honey, sugar & rasins & cook until sugar dissolves.
2. Fold pastry into half & cut 2cm interval (see link for illustration but this time I used slit cutter).
Open up the folded sheet & sprinkle almond & apple filling.
Seal edges with egg.
3. Place seam-side down on a baking tray.
Brush top with egg & sprinkle with sugar & cinnamon mixture.
4. Bake 220C for 20-25 min until golden & crispy

Apple Strudel ni kegemaran keluarga Along.... buat untuk AngahRuz sebelum dia berlepas pulang ke KL Ahad lepas. Kelam-kabut buat last minute, alhamdulillah sempat dia makan seketul... gembira rasa hati

Resipi ni Along ada tayang lama dulu di sini , boleh lihat cara2 langkah demi langkah di situ.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: Murdoch book
Alih bahasa oleh AlongRoz
Bilangan: 2 ketul besar
2 keping Puff pastry
4 bj Epal Fuji - kopek kulit dan hiris
30g Butter
1 sb Madu
1/8 cwn Gula Perang
1/2 cwn Kismis Hitam
1/4 cwn Serbuk Almond - kali ini Along tak letak
1 bj Telur - pukul sedikit
2 sb Gula Perang + 1 st Serbuk KayuManis

1. Panaskan butter & masak hirisan epal selama 2 minit.
Masukkan madu, gula, kismis & masak sehingga gula hancur.
2. Lipat dua pastry & hiris2 seperti gambarajah (kali ni Along guna cutter pastry).
Buka lipatan, tabur almond & ratakan hirisan epal yg di masak tadi.
Tutup filling & gam lipatan dgn telur.
3. Terbalikkan ke atas dulang pembakar.
Sapu permukaan pastry dgn telur & tabur sampuran gula & kayumanis.
Bakar 220C selama 20-25 minit sehingga keperangan.


  1. Nyamannn nya along..lom kesampaian mok cuba..:-)

  2. lama tak jenguk dapur Along..sedapnya nampak...melelh air liur ni,,

  3. nang nyaman tok along..sampe sitok dapat bau..

  4. As salam Along...muah muah miss you so much. Lama kita tak letak komen sebab line slow sangat...lps update blog terus keluar. Apapun harap masih belum terlewat lagi nak ucap belated birthday to comel girl girl tu...lama tak lihat Liana posing. Dah besar ...alhamdulilah semuga sihat dan aktif .


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