
Friday, July 11, 2014

Apam Pisang Putih Gebu (White Steamed Banana Cake)

 This fabulous steamed cake is really tasty, light & moist in texture....  I created it while experimenting with egg whites and turned out marvelous..! I love every bite of it and had several pieces without any guilt...! Brought some to the office and the mates didn't have enough... The egg whites help to lighten the cake, whilst banana makes it moist... such a wonderful combination!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Yields: 8" round
175g (about 5 eggs) Egg Whites
3/4 cup Sugar
3/4 cup Veg Oil
30g Margarine
1 tsp Ovalet
~490g (about 5) Bananas - mashed 
1 tsp Baking Powder*
1 tsp Baking Soda*
2 cup Flour* (* sifted) 

1. Beat oil, margarine, sugar & ovalet until well mixed.
Add in egg whites gradually while beating.
Add in flour mixture* and mix well.
Add in mashed bananas.
2. Steam 45 minutes until cooked.

Wow.... Apam Pisang Putih Gebu... ! Amatlah sedap, gebu ringan dan lembab dengan rasa pisang. Along rekakan resipi ni sebab belum ada lagi kan resipi apam yg menggunakan telur putih sahaja. Rezeki pisang kat rumah ni tak putus2 sebab Along tanam banyak pokok pisang. Bagi anda yang suka makan apam pisang, harus cuba resepi ni.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Hasil: 8" bulat
175g (~5 bj) Putih Telur
3/4 cwn Gula
3/4 cwn Minyak Sayur
30g Majerin
1 st Ovalet
~490g (5 bj) Pisang - lecek
1 st Baking Powder*
1 st Baking Soda*
2 cwn Tepung* (* ayak) 

1. Pukul minyak, majerin, gula & ovalet sehingga sebati.
Masukkan putih telur sedikit demi sedikit sambil di pukul sebati.
Masukkan campuran tepung* & gaul sebati.
Masukkan pisang lecek & gaul sebati.
2. Kukus selama 45 minit sehingga masak.

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