
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Crackle Top Brownies (Brownies Kedut)

 This is nice moist brownies and supposedly with shiny crackle top but mine turned-out to be matte dark crust.... Taste-wise is great and I have the crackle top but am not 100% satisfied.... I need to figure out what to improve in order to achieve the desired beautiful top crust... either the steps or the quality of the ingredients.... Many others have tried the recipe and successful so I just need to try again.... From research I saw comment that the chocolate need to be hot when added to the batter.... that probably it....? Anyway, on the second thought what is the fuss... the brownies are still delicious and moist and definitely with crispy crust whether it is shiny or not... LOL!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Juicy (Orig by sisAyu)
Retyped and translated into English by HomeKreation
Size: Recipe below has been halved to fit 8" square tin
200g Compound Dark Chocolate - chopped
75g Butter
50g Brown Sugar
50g Caster Sugar
2 Eggs
1/2 tsp Vanilla Essence
50 Self-raising Flour*
15g Cocoa Powder* (* sifted)

1. Melt chocolate & butter in a double-boiler.
2. Beat egg, sugar & VE then combine with chocolate mixture.
3. Bake at 160C for 30 minutes then off the oven and let the cake sit in with door ajar for another 15 min.

 Sekarang ni musim demam brownies kedut2 ni.... Along pun teringin gak bila tengok ramai yg lain dok buat.... Memang sedap brownies ni dan moist.... tapi Along tak puas hati ler sebab kedut2 tu kusam jer tak berkilat.... orang lain punya lah kilat2 merekah dia.... isykkkk.... tak leh jadi, nak kena buat sekali lagi.... nanti kita pi cari coklat lain ler pulak.... Hari tu Along buat pukul sampai kembang sangat kot.... atau pun coklat tu dah sejuk waktu Along campurkan bahan2 lain.... nak kena eksperimen lah.... apa2 pun nanti kita share...

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Juicy (Orig by sisAyu)
Saiz: Resipi ini Along dah separuhkan spy muat tin 8" x 8"
200g Coklat Compound - potong kasar
75g Mentega
50g Gula Perang
50g Gula Kastor
2 bj Telur
1/2 st Esen Vanilla
50g Tepung Naik Sendiri* (atau tepung gdm + 1/2 st)
15g Serbuk Koko* (* ayak)

1. Cairkan coklat & mentega secara double boiler.
2. Pukul telur, gula & EV dan satukan ke dlm adunan coklat.
Masukkan campuran tepung* sehingga sebati.
3. Bakar 160C selama 30 minit dan selepas itu biarkan tutup suis oven dan biarkan kek dgn pintu terbuka selama 15 min lagi.
4. Sejukkan sebelum di potong.


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