
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Sticky Caramel Chicken Wings (Kepak Ayam Madu) Again

This is one of my sons' favorite dishes.... it has been quite a while since I last cooked this... used to cook it quite often when the boys were young and had not left home. The last time I posted the recipe was in 2008 when this recipe was a hit.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: MyResipi_Mutiarazura
Previous post: link
Translated into English by HomeKreation
6 Chicken Wings - cut each into two parts
2 tbsp Oil
2 cloves Garlic*
1 inch Ginger* (* pounded)
1 tbsp Soya Sauce
1 tbsp Fish Sauce
1 tbsp Chilli Sauce
1/4 tsp Ground Black Pepper (not in the original recipe)
2 tbsp Honey

1. Heat up oil & fry pounded ingredients & chicken wings until fragrant.
Add in soya sauce, fish sauce, chilli sauce & black pepper.
Cover until chicken is cooked. Stir occasionally to avoid burning.
Lastly add in honey & stir until sauce is thick & chicken wings are well coated.
2. Serve with white rice.

Dah lama Along tak masak lauk ni.... dulu sewaktu anak2 masih di rumah memang selalu Along masakkan lauk kegemaran mereka ni. Lauk ni popular suatu masa dulu... Along punya last entri pun dah lama 7 tahun dahulu....

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: MyResipi_Mutiarazura
Previous post: link

6 ketul Kepak Ayam - di potong dua setiap satu
2 sb Minyak

2 ulas Bwg Putih*
1" Halia* (* tumbuk)
1 sb Kicap

1 sb Sos Ikan
1 sb Sos Cili
1/4 st Lada Hitam tumbuk (Along tambah)
2 sb Madu

1. Panaskan minyak & tumis bahan2 tumbuk sehingga wangi.
Masukkan ayam dan kacau sebentar.
Masukkan kicap, sos ikan, sos cili & serbuk lada, tutup sehingga ayam masak.
Masukkan madu & kacau sehingga kuah nya pekat dan melekat pada ayam.
2. Hidangkan dgn nasi putih.


  1. Ini kesukaan anak anak ketika mereka masih kecil.

    1. Samalah CM.... dulu2 kita mula blogging anak2 semua kat rumah... skrg semua dah besar2 gi jauh kan.


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