
Monday, August 17, 2015

Cucur Cakar Keledek & Jagung (Sweet Potato Fritters) Again

 I enjoyed eating the fritters dipped in chili sauce.... I made it again but this time I used purple sweet potatoes and added some sweet corns.... it was definitely more delicious! Look at the photo below.... it has all the goodies in it and less flour, I love it very much but may not be suitable for those who hate vegetables!

Recipe was posted here but shared again to add in the additional ingredients.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
2 medium size Purple Sweet Potatoes (can be substituted with white/orange SP) 
1 Red Chili
1 Big Onion
1 bunch Chives
1 ear of Corn - remove kernels from the cob
Chinese Celery & Spring Onions - chopped 
2 Eggs
~1 scoop Flour

1. Peel & slice the sweet potatoes. Cut into a matchstick shape.
Slice chili, onion, chives.
2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
3. Heat up oil for deep frying and scoop batter into it.
Fry until crispy.
4. Serve with chili sauce.

 Buat lagi kuih cucur keledek yang sedap ni.... kali ni Along guna keledek ungu dan masukkan jagung juga..... walaaa memang sedap sangat pada tekak sendiri.... cicah dgn sos cili yg sedap.... tak sedor abis semangkuk cucur....heheee

Resepi dah share kat sini dulu tapi Along letak lagi sekali sebab nak update bahan2 nya...

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
2 bj Keledek Ungu (keledek putih/oren pun ok) - hiris/sagat bentuk btg mancis 
1 bj Cili Merah*
1 bj Bwg Besar*
Sedikit Kucai*
Daun Bwg/Sup* (* hiris) 
1 btg Jagung - hiris biji jagungnya
2 bj Telur
~1 senduk Tepung Gandum

1. Gaul kesemua bahan2 sehingga sebati.
2. Sudukan ke dlm minyak panas dan goreng sehingga garing.
3. Hidangkan dgn cili sos.


  1. wow tengah bayangkan rasanya..looks festive :)

    Jemputlah ke blog saya Blog Ibu bekerja dari rumah , semoga bersama dapat manfaat! Terima kasih..

    1. Terima-kasih sudi singgah, insyaallah nanti kita kunjung balas.


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